Feedback on Language Institute

<p>We live in Va. and have heard that the foreign language program at UW is awesome. Is anyone on the board familiar with it enough to answer questions about or give us some inside scoop? My son got a 5 on AP French, and an 800 on his French SAT II, and he might want to major in French, or pick up another more rare language, such as Farsi, or Arabic.</p>

<p>We were told that the first French House was at UW.</p>

<p>I dont really know anything but I was told Wisconsin offers the most language courses in the country.</p>

<p>There is a French house at Wisconsin. Right on the lake! It's beautiful. Check out Wisconsin's French website:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>In the recent round of funding for language institutes by the Dept. of Education UW got the most grants of any school.</p>

<p>The Language Institute is one of the major reasons I chose UW-Madison. I plan on taking Tagalog, and, if possible, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.</p>

<p>quick note: if your son does decide to attend uw and wants to major in Arabic or something middle eastern, make sure he gets into an early advising/registration session (starts early June-- we all have to attend one). Arabic was already full when I had my session (9th one of 29 offered). Maybe the ROTC students are all taking up the seats, not sure. But some of them do fill up fast!</p>

<p>they are supposed to hold the same number of seats for all the classes for all sessions.</p>

<p>if he got a 5 on his ap test, he will get placed into a higher language class...obviously. I got a 5 on the german ap test, and Im in german 337 advanced compostion and conversation. if he decides to major in french, uw would be a great place for him</p>

<p>yes, supposed to. But I checked the arabic often, and nothing opened up.</p>