<p>Anyone heard from their kids (or have personal feedback) on the new dining services offerings?</p>
<p>S1, ever the picky eater, is finding that there is almost nothing at the South Dining Commons that he wants to eat. At least last year he could get something custom from the grill for dinner every night, albeit it's always the same thing. I feel like we are wasting $4500 when all the kid will eat is salad, ice cram and cereal. Even the bread basket is gone. When he complains, I know it's bad.</p>
<p>He did mention that the suggestions board that was up in BJ last year is gone and nothing seems to have taken its place. I suggested he talk to someone at the cashier stand to find out who he should contact.</p>
<p>I don’t know which dining hall you are referring. S1 is also not a gourmet, not gourmand. Yet, he sent me email saying “I am having tilapia with lemon sauce and shrimp with sliced avocado. I eat all the time, and I love the food here. I am convinced that most of the tuition money goes to the food costs”</p>
<p>I told him to airlift some of that wonderful food to NJ for his starving parents teetering on the verge of bankruptcy on account of the expensive private education of their child. </p>
<p>Big Caveat: maybe his enthusiasm has MUCH MORE TO DO with the default and low standard set at home. Maybe for those kids with parents who are armature chef are disappointed with food. S1 is used to mediocre food at home
<p>By the way, he is in South Campus Residence Hall, and he was most referring to the adjoining dining facility, if that makes any difference.</p>
<p>(even with all this food, he said, he lost 4 pounds because he walks around the campus all the time for classes, to go to events, for fun with friends, etc. I envy him!!!)</p>
<p>Same dining hall – but S relied on the ala carte stuff last year.</p>
<p>I eat at the South Campus Dining Hall, and as far as I can tell, the food’s fine; it’s not stellar, but it’s not horrible. There’s a little more variety here than at Bartlett, I think - some of my friends vastly prefer South Campus to Bartlett - though I personally like Bartlett better just because the set-up is less hectic and confusing. Ummm, on the whole, I like it most of the time? I mean, maybe it’s because I’m just used to high school cafeteria food, but there’re plenty of choices here. As long as you’re willing to compromise, it’s perfectly fine. If nothing else, there’s usually pizza.</p>
<p>One thing you should let your son know is that all houses have the ability to elect a “rep” to the dining hall, who will go to meetings a few times a quarter to provide feedback on student desires and the food- he may consider talking to his house’s dining rep, or consider running for the position himself!</p>