<p>Feel free to skip this part about me and go to the bottom for the real question, lol.</p>
<p>I struggled to excel in high school. I had a 3.6 GPA/1800 SAT, 5s on a few APs, varsity baseball, orchestra, but that was it, nothing too special in today's extremely competitive admissions environment. Senior year and the whole applications process was rough for me. I've never known what I wanted to do and I wasn't about to spend loan money and go to a state university (live in California) with no roadmap, so I opted to go to community college last minute to try new things and seek motivation and hopefully transfer. I feel like I could've done better in high school had I been dead set on a career or dream school, but my main problem with deciding on a career right now I think is that I enjoy a variety of things.</p>
<p>Now that everyone I know has moved in to universities, I'm feeling anxious about my decision. People keep telling me about the "college life/dorm life" which is probably a big part of higher education that I completely overlooked. I feel inadequate in some way for attending a community college even though I know there are people way worse off (don't try as hard) than me going to state universities (my best friend, for example, barely got a 3.0 with 0 APs, bad SAT and is moved in to Chico State).</p>
<p>Maybe had I been motivated, I could've gone to a university and felt confident about it. I never really put in maximum effort in high school and often missed homework assignments. But, as depressed as I am, blank motivation comes rare for me.</p>
<p>SO, TL;DR, I was wondering: What REALLY motivated you to do well in high school? Was it competition amongst peers around you? The fear of not living up to your expectations of yourself? Parents? Faith?</p>
<p>Or are you highly motivated by the opportunities good universities (I.E. your dream school) have to offer, but don't necessarily know what you want to do for a career/major (undecided)?</p>
<p>Or maybe you have legitimately known what you wanted to do with your life and can focus on your goals?</p>
<p>If you could answer these questions for me, or possibly enlighten me in whatever it was that pushed you to succeed, that would help me immensely in my search for academic motivation :) Thank you</p>