Feeling like I haven't shown enough interest in the major

Heya all. I recently realized that I want to be a nurse, or rather a Nurse Practitioner. But that’s the problem, I’ve only figured that out recently because I didn’t even know that NPs were a thing. I’ve applied to a couple direct entry nursing programs and plan on doing pre-health everywhere else to do direct entry graduate programs, but I don’t think I’ve shown the same amount of demonstrated interest in the career of Nursing as other people since I only figured out how great of a fit of a career it was for me a year or two ago. Should I even worry or does this happen more often than I think? I’m happy to share more information if needed. Thanks!

It is desirable to show that you are serious about it. If you can’t do volunteer or paid work in a health care setting, check to see if there is any type of health care career explorer program in your area.

I am a nurse. It is easy to get intimidated in nursing school by other students who seem to have had the calling since childhood. I was not that person. Nursing was a career change for me that came later in life and was not something I ever dreamed of becoming. That being said, there are certainly character traits that are evident in excellent nurses including kindness, compassion, empathy and the desire to help others even when it is difficult. If you don’t see any of those qualities in your personality then perhaps you need to rethink the major. If you do, then go for it and don’t worry how committed or passionate your schoolmates seem in comparison to you.There are so many nursing opportunities out there and also a great degree to have if you choose to change your career later as I did.

Not having hospital or nursing-specific volunteering hours didn’t hold my D back from being accepted with high merit scholarships by strong BSN programs last year. She had high marks, rigor and test scores but applied broadly to be safe and was accepted by a dozen or so direct entry programs. She decided last minute to try for nursing. Having volunteer experience can reinforce an applicant’s desire for the field but not having doesn’t have to hold you back.

Don’t worry about it. People find their passions or major interests at different times. I would not compare the health related ECs of others to your lack of them (in your opinion). Your grades, test scores and ECs that show you will get you where you should be.