<p>Hello. A mother here. Hope you don't mind my asking this question (I usually hang out on the parent forum).</p>
<p>My youngest daughter is a HS Sophomore and is extremely good at and loves math and science. She's also talented in many other things and is well rounded, with art being one of them.</p>
<p>She has always known she wants a career in math and science, but could not narrow anything down. Though she (and I) know that she still has lots of time to choose, wanting to narrow down a direction is working on her. For all of her growing up years, the one thing she wanted to do was to become a doctor. However, she has changed her mind about that. For the last year, she has been thinking of going into some type of scientific research. But lately, the field of engineering, biomedical to be exact, has REALLY started to appeal to her.</p>
<p>I know that historically, engineering has been a male dominated profession. I know this is changing, but it still remains so I think. I guess it's some kind of fear that if a girl shows interest in science and math she is some kind of geek that no one wants to date or marry or some other kind of HORRIBLE misconception. My opinion: What could be more fascinating than a highly intelligent, motivated, self assured woman with a fantastic job? But anyway, I digress......</p>
<p>My question to you female engineering students, or potential female engineering students, or females that love math and science (or any males that want to add something), how are your experiences so far?</p>
<p>This is all for my personal knowledge as I am just seeking info for myself. I don't even think my daughter is worried about such things as fitting in anywhere as she has never had any trouble doing so. I have always taught my daughter to NEVER be ashamed of or try to hide her intelligence for the sake of trying to fit into the general public, or to impress a boy (some girls do this for some crazy reason). I feel that the best thing to do is to be yourself and if people are not intimidated by it, than those are the ones that really care for you. </p>
<p>But if you don't mind....I'd love to hear of your experiences. Personally, I can't think of anything better than being a female excelling in what was once (or still is) a male dominated profession like that. Oh, to be young with the world at my feet like you all are!!! :)</p>