<p>Is it present (i think i know the answer already)? Is it strong?</p>
<p>From what I’ve heard (I’m not a student), it is definitely there in the sense that women are motivated to make a difference and not have their options limited by their gender. However, I definitely don’t think it’s a rah-rah, man-hating kind of thing.</p>
<p>“Strength of feminism” is kind of a hard thing to verbalize/quantify – what in particular are you concerned about? I think people could answer that better. :)</p>
<p>I have a friend there. She says sure, there are the down-with-men raging feminists there, but that those people aren’t, of course, unique to Wellesley or to women’s schools. There might be more of them, but that’s partly because the population is 100% female rather than 50% at a coed college.</p>
<p>Feminism sometimes gets a bad rap…I mean, I’m a “feminist” in that I believe women are equal to men but I’m not out changing the spelling of “woman” to “wommon” and yelling at guys who hold open doors for me. I get the impression that most Wellesley women are the former type of feminist.</p>
<p>I would agree that Wellesley women are generally the “equality” type of feminist. I don’t even know anyone who spells “woman” as “wommon” and “women” as “womyn”, and come to think of it, I’ve read quite a bit of writing by Wellesley students. The lack of male presence simply makes the issue of being a woman a non-issue. Everyone is a woman, ergo no one cares that you are a woman. However, I would say that there are strong attitudes about sex, abortion and women’s issues, and those attitudes agree with the feminist perspective. It’s not so much, “I am woman, hear me roar”, but rather “keep your laws off my body” and “abstinence-only education gets people pregnant” with a focus on the issues.</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m sure Wellesley has more feminists than other schools. I’m not a hardcore feminist, but by being at a women’s college I think I’m really starting to develop this kind of pride towards being a woman and being at Wellesley. I have met some very strong supporters for Hillary Clinton.</p>
<p>One misconception is that women in an all-women hate men. I find this ridiculous. We can take pride in our female environment without shunning the opposite sex. I haven’t met any girls who say they hate men.</p>
<p>There was this lovely Community thread about male cross-registered students back in the day… I was surprised.</p>
<p>I thought you were going to say male cross-dressers…I did a double-take. :D</p>
<p>^^Haha I’m sure we get plenty of that, too. Tonight at the Pub there’s going to be a fashion drag show, I think I might go. :]</p>
<p>As a proud feminist who is not remotely man-hating (I’m curious as to why the two are constantly linked?), I sure hope there’s a strong presence. ;)</p>