Ferguson Mail, sign up

<p>The source code of the page shows that it simply sends your contact info to these two email addresses": <a href=“mailto:cadams@fa.ua.edu”>cadams@fa.ua.edu</a>, <a href=“mailto:campusmailservice@fa.ua.edu”>campusmailservice@fa.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>You could try sending the same info to those emails, it might work.</p>

<p>Worked for my son on a Mac. He used his CrimsonMail</p>

<p>It is now “mid-July”</p>

<p>We have an Amazon Cart full of bulky items to order and have sent to campus…</p>

<p>My trigger finger is itchy.</p>

<p>I got this nice email in response to mine:</p>

<p>We are still wrapping-up the renovations at the new Ferguson Mail Center. We hope to be fully operational by August 1st. Students can begin receiving packages at the Ferguson Mail Center within just a couple more weeks. I would advise to not have anything shipped before 2 weeks prior to move-in.</p>

<p>In probably less than a week, XXX can logon to the myBama web portal and go to the “Student” tab at the top of the screen. Once she’s on the Student tab, she should eventually see an icon that says “Ferguson Mail Center” or something similar. The icon is not up yet, but should be in the next week or so. When she clicks on the “Ferguson Mail Center” icon, she should be able to see her address along with the 6-digit mailstop code for receiving packages only. We call this a “non-boxholder mailstop code”. All students start-out in a “non-boxholder” status. This service is totally free for our students.</p>

<p>Students who do not rent a mailbox will not be able to receive letters, cards, and small mail items sent via the United States Postal Service. Letters, cards and other small-size mail pieces for students who do not have a mailbox will be returned to the sender. I can go ahead and give you her address and MSC# for receiving packages only:</p>

TUSCALOOSA, AL 35487</p>

<p>To rent a mailbox, XXXXX would simply click on the “Rent A Mailbox” link on her account page and then follow the process to select her rental terms, accept the mailbox agreement, and present payment. Mailboxes are rented on a “first-come, first served” basis and may be rented for various terms. Mailbox rental rates are as follows:</p>

<p>· $50 per semester (Fall semester only or Spring semester only)</p>

<p>· $25 for both sessions (summer semester only)</p>

<p>· $125 per year (includes Fall, Spring, and Summer semester only)</p>

<p>Once payment has been accepted, Paige will receive her mailbox assignment and her 6-digit mailstop code will change to reflect the mailbox that she has rented at the Ferguson Mail Center. She would then use this mailstop code on everything she receives, regardless of carrier. All of the mailstop codes for our mailboxes at the Ferguson Mail Center begin with “871, 872, 873, 874, or 875”. So, her address would look the same, except her mailstop code changes:</p>

MSC# 87_ _ _ _
TUSCALOOSA, AL 35487</p>

<p>If you have any questions or need further explanation, please feel free to give me a call. We look forward to having your daughter on our campus and we’ll do what we can to give you the peace of mind you need knowing she receives her mail and packages safely, securely and in an efficient manner.</p>

<p>Sign up (and mailing info) is on student tab now.</p>

<p>Quick and easy and, for only (ermmmm) $125, I can send DD whatever I want thru end of next summer.</p>

<p>At least we can order and send the bulky gel mattress topper now.</p>

<p>Anyone know what a “small size mail item” is? I understand card, letter, newspaper and magazine, but what exactly is a “small size mail item?” Would this include the small priority mail box or a big bubble wrap envelope? I never sent D cards or letters, just packages, so whether she’ll need a box depends on what they mean by “small size mail item.”</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up. It was explained to me that ANY sort of parcel would be accepted from UPS, USPS (including a priority mail pack), or FexEx, etc. without a mailbox rental. If you did not rent a box, only regular mail such as envelopes, magazines, etc. would be refused. I think the waters are just going to have to be tested… <sigh></sigh></p>

<p>Signed s up super easy. Does anyone know if they will need to pick up a key? Maybe it will open with their ACT cards.</p>

<p>Just read confirmation email. It opens with a code.</p>

<p>It seems that they can pick their own combo. I hope so since ours is way too generic. Lol</p>

<p>Just got son a mailbox. He didn’t want one, but since he’ll be a senior and applying to grad schools, jobs, I thought it would be best for him to have a mailing address. For some reason, I was only given the option to rent by semester, so I’ll have to make sure to renew in December. Since son is working on campus this summer, I’m wondering if I should order textbooks to be sent to this mailbox. Better let him try it out first, though. I usually have textbooks sent to our house and bring them up on move in, but if I can have them waiting there for him, even better!</p>

<p>DS got a mailbox. If he has packages shipped now, will they be held for his arrival at UA?</p>

<p>Chardo - We shipped some things to S’s mailbox already. He received an e-mail saying that a package had arrived and that if it wasn’t picked up within 10 days it would be returned to sender. Fortunately we will be there before the 10 days are up! I’m not sure how strict they are with that, but I would wait until you are 10 days out from arrival before shipping.</p>

<p>Edit: Montegut, we shipped textbooks to S’s mailbox, so I hope it works. :)</p>