<p>I’m also a freshman who lives in Longstreet, so my answer will be biased. In short, LSM IS AWESOME. Super big rooms. Then again, I did get a suite so my room was even bigger than the usual double. We can fit 10 people in there without feeling crowded, but most of the time, 5 people can fit and have ample space to stretch out/hang. </p>
<p>Again, the suites come with their own bathrooms. So it’s really nice since it’s so convenient, although the bathrooms are right down the hall so they’re not far either. The lobby is nice, but I rarely go down there. I spend most of the time in the study lounges. We have 4 study lounges on every floor, except 5th floor (because it lacks a North side). The study lounges are great for group study, or individual study. They have white boards which we usually use to review concepts/equations, and are great for group projects. Then there are the open study spaces on each floor (2 of them) and usually they’re more for hanging out/loud projects, although I see people using them for silent study as well. I prefer the study lounges, because they’re more quiet.</p>
<p>The lobby has a fireplace and nice couches, with study tables though hardly anyone uses them to study. There’s another room for studying (we used it for a Chem cram session once) and it’s pretty quiet… I thought it was soundproof once, lol. The TV room is used pretty often, but you’ll have to bring your own DVD player or borrow it from someone to show films. Great for movie nights/social gatherings though!</p>
<p>The location is good if you have Bio. It’s about a 15 min walk to the Chem/Math and Sciences building, around 10 minutes to White Hall and the library. Close to the DUC, but so is Fevans/Turman, and Dobbs is even closer. </p>
<p>We get complimented on our decorations a lot.</p>
<p>The only downside for me, personally, is the lack of social interaction. I still don’t know all of my hallmate’s names, and they don’t know mine.
Haha. Although that’s really based on who your hallmates are, rather than the dorm itself. The 4th floor Southside folks are really close and never lock their doors, apparently. And they’re always flaunting their annoying “SOUTHsiiiiiiide!” pride (ok that’s an exaggeration, but they really are close. My friend made dumplings for his hall and he always says how friendly everyone is w/ each other). But I think since Longstreet is so big, most of your close friends will be from your hall, while there’s less interaction with other halls/floors. I know that the Northside and Southside don’t really mix, at least on the second floor. Eastside kind of goes to both sides. </p>
<p>There are two kitchens and two laundry rooms (Northside and Southside). </p>
<p>The only difference that I could see from Fevans was probably the size. Longstreet’s just bigger in everything. Fevans does have singles though, which is nice. I don’t know how social they are, but again, it really depends on the sociability of your hallmates. It shouldn’t be a big problem. I’m not a social person but my best friends are on the same hall (and Eastside, and one’s on the fourth floor) and all 6 of us usually congregate in our room every night. The other hallmates are also pretty close, just not with us. </p>
<p>Oh right, construction. I was sooo annoyed at the beginning. But then I forgot about the noise once it stopped. Actually, I didn’t even remember the construction until you brought it up, although that just might be due to my bad memory lol. But that does bring up another bad point- if you live on the Northside of Longstreet, you’ll hear the train go by every now and then. It’s pretty annoying and loud. All in all though, I’m glad I chose Longstreet. Seriously, the rooms are HUUUUUGGGEEEEEE and I like my own bathroom- two most important points about LSM.</p>