Few Questions about Summer Seminar

<li><p>Do you get to choose which classes you take? I am interested more in political science, philospohy, history, not so much math, chemistry, or physics. I don’t want to be stuck in classes with math and chem all week, making it boring for me. </p></li>
<li><p>Once accepted to SS, can you then decide not to go even though you were accepted? Or is it once you apply you have to go (if accepted.) I would like to apply to both USMA and USAFA for SS, but if I HAVE to go to both once applyiny (if accepted of course), then I will choose only one to go to.* </p></li>

<p>Thanks guys, appreciate the help a ton!</p>

<p>Yes, you can decline. I seem to remember once accepted to SS you have to respond by a certain date … but that was a few years ago so it may have changed.</p>

<p>1.) You do get a chance to pick what classes you get. You rank the classes you want to take then depending on how early you return you acceptance.</p>

<p>2.) Yes, you may decline your acceptance. But it would probably be wise to attend more than one SS (if you do get accepted), ONLY if you are interested in both of the academies.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>As for question 1., to my knowledge, there wasn’t a single seminar there that someone absolutely hated. We didn’t all get our top picks but even the ones that weren’t exactly what we wanted were pretty interesting and still fun. It’s nice to do all the stuff that you want, but if you end up deciding to go to SS, keep an open mind when you get there and get the list of what classes you will be going to.
2. the only reason I would forsee a reason to not go to as many as possible would be the financial obligations to go to one. Remember if you go, you’ll have to pay for the cost of the program, 350 I believe, plus transportation costs, and you would definitely want to have some spending money for when you can go to the gift shop or C-store. I only went to USAFA SS but from what I heard from the otheres who went to other academies too, it just gives a greater all around feel for what an academy would really be like. They’ve said USMA/USNA has the physical aspect, USAFA has the academics, and from what i’ve heard, USAFA has the most realistic basic cadet experience.<br>
So really, i’d encourage you to go to at least one if not many others. The experience is great (I’m finding myself still talking about it on an almost daily basis still) and the people you meet are amazing.</p>



<p>Realize, of course, that if you do eventually attend USAFA, you’ll be taking math and science classes for four straight years. Even our Poli Sci and History majors have to take several semesters of engineering, Calc I + II, Chem I + II, Physics I + II, etc…</p>

<p>I agree with PETKO. However you can take other classes. I mean, YES it is a learning expirience and to see if you really want to go, but also to enjoy it. I went to the Navy one and we got to take this Mixed Martial Arts class that was a blast. I also took, however, some leadership, math, polymer chemistry, etc. So DEFINITELY take those “boring” classes but also know that there are some other fun ones out there. And don’t be descouraged, some of the math and Chem ones were the most fun because the profs designed it that way. So just because its Chemistry doesn’t mean its going to be boring, it could be really fun…ya never know! ;)</p>