Few questions on admits for UCs

<p>Hi, new member that just joined a few minutes ago.
Please forgive me if I'm writing on the wrong board, or is doing something wrong.</p>

<p>I would like to know what the best thing I should do from now until my college application next year to be accepted to one of the mid tier UC schools, such as UCI.</p>

<p>I am currently a junior from a CA accredited high school. I'm a US born Asian American.</p>

<p>I've taken all AP/Honors this year and last year, and received a few As but mostly Bs.
I might get a C in a Honors Math class for the 1st semester, which I am concerned about. I'm not planning on taking a math major in a university; I'm thinking political science or some science major.
I am planning to take all APs for senior year as well.</p>

<p>My SAT score was 2040, but I am planning to retake it again later of this year. </p>

<p>I actually have little to no EC, besides 100 or so community service hours I did for a school club I joined in Sophomore year.
I did martial arts for 8 years since I was 7, and won a few medals in county wide/state wide competitions, and also performed for the community. However, I actually quit (and yes, I deeply regret doing so) martial arts during the middle of Sophomore year since I figured I could not keep up with both martial arts and school work. I have heard that colleges do not like it when students suddenly quit ec activities without a proper excuse/reason to do so.
I have also went to Japanese school on every Saturday for 6 hours for 7 years since I was 7 years old, but again, I quit that as I entered high school.<br>
I also joined marching band this year, and is thinking of continuing until senior year. We actually went to the East coast to compete in a national competition, where we won the tournament.
I really am concerned about EC, especially after seeing others in CC with a much more impressive EC record than I do taking apps for UCI and other similar leveled UCs.</p>

<p>If it would be kind of you, would you answer the following questions considering the above facts about me?</p>

<li><p>How much would it hurt if I have 1 C throughout my Sophomore and Junior year grades, especially when I took all APs/honors for both years?</p></li>
<li><p>Just to be on the safe side, what would be the recommended SAT score to get into UCI and similar leveled UCs?</p></li>
<li><p>How much do ECs weigh for UCI and similar leveled UC applications? How much would it hurt if I have only the above mentioned in my application? Are these ECs vaild? What other ECs should I do before my senior year to increase my chances?</p></li>
<li><p>If I do nothing/improve on nothing by senior year, what would the chances of me getting into UCI or siimilar leveled UCs? </p></li>
<li><p>Any other recommendations/comments?</p></li>

<p>Thanks for reading through all of this mess!</p>

<li><p>Depends on your UC gpa. A few C’s by themselves won’t help, but won’t significantly hurt; “mostly B’s will hurt” for mid-tier UC’s, where students have a majority of A’s.</p></li>
<li><p>2060 is fine for UCI, but 2100+ is better. Heck, higher is always better.</p></li>
<li><p>Quite a bit. If your only EC is marching band, you need to become involved in something – anything – either in school or your community.</p></li>
<li><p>Depends on UC gpa.</p></li>

<p>Search for UC Statfinder and you can pull up the stats of each campus.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply!</p>

<p>By the end of this semester, my UC GPA would be a 3.8, assuming that I get the C and my letter grade would not change for the other classes. I think I would most likely be ending up with around 3.7~3.85 range by the end of Junior year. </p>


<p>UC admissions are highly statistics based, so bump up that GPA and SAT and you should be on your way!</p>