FIG Courses?

<p>So I know that a FIG group consists of about 20 students all enrolled in the same 3/4 classes. One of those classes is like a "seminar" in which there are only students who are in the FIG group. Are the other 2 courses the same? As in everyone in your FIG group is going to be in the same big lecture course and discussion group as you for the other 2 courses that isn't the seminar?</p>

<p>I wasn’t in a FIG but in my understanding of them, your whole FIG will be in all your classes that are part of the FIG. For the big classes there will be other people who are not in the FIG, but the small ones should be limited to the FIG.</p>

<p>I will be at a different UW school this fall, but I was accepted in a FIG for undecided majors. I was just wondering if anyone knows if you can move into another a FIG. I have a feeling you cannot, but on my letter of acceptance it said “we’ll decide at orientation if you should join the FIG”. So I’m taking it as a conditional acceptance, and that at orientation it may be like a mini interview. Has anyone on here been in a FIG? I applied because I’m shy so I felt like it would be a good way to make some new friends. I also felt like it would be nice to get additional time with an advisor who will help me find a career field. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, but I figured since my question was FIG related that it would be better than making a new forum just for my question. Thank you in advance for any help.</p>

<p>From the people I talked to they said it was alright. If you don’t have extra AP credits backing you up, it can just be a waste of credits because it takes up a lot of credits and may only count for one requirement, if any at all.</p>