<p>My son is listed as a sophmore from his running start classes. His high school subjects only count through what he has completed. They don't count the last quarter he's almost completed at RS. This is normal, right?</p>
<p>Also he's prescience. Everyone is prescience who wants DA to CSE until they are accepted?</p>
<p>Everyone who puts in a Arts and Sciences intended major will be prescience. For college of engineering, pre engineering. Since computer science is in the Arts and Sciences college, your son has prescience. If your son had computer engineering as an intended major, he would be preengineering. This is just a place holder; it doesn’t really matter for declaring majors later. Having a pre-engineering “major” won’t make it easier for someone to get into, say, EE, than it is to have pre-nursing.</p>
<p>It’ll be a waste of time to keep refreshing the unofficial transcript to see if he got direct admit. Once the advisers confirm all of the new freshmen direct admit, then they will send in a major declaration form sometime during the summer. I don’t think my “major” changed from prescience to computer science until July or August. I confirmed in the Spring though.</p>
<p>Seeing all of this excited hubbub, I looked to see if mine had loaded. Success! However, my major isn’t list as prescience, but rather as “International Studies:Europe” Does this mean I’ve been accepted into the major already, or is it simply a weird idiosyncrasy of the department?</p>
<p>Moooah: You’re in the major. It’s an open major, so you don’t have to take prereq classes and show you have a 2.0 (minimal requirement major) or apply with a personal statement (competitive major).</p>
<p>Admission to Major
Any undergraduate admitted for study as a matriculated student in the College of Arts and Sciences may declare European Studies as a major and work toward the B.A. degree.</p>