<p>I'm a Junior in High School looking into the Japanese, English (emphasis on creative writing), and Film Studies (emphasis on film production). </p>
<p>The eight colleges I have my search narrowed down to are Bowdoin, Carleton, Haverford, Macalester, Middlebury, Pomona, Princeton, and Swarthmore. Tough list, eh? Hehe...I really hope I have a prayer. </p>
<p>I have to make a decision as to whether I'm still considering Bowdoin, because according to the Bowdoin webside, which I dissected, the film studies department appears to have NO emphasis on film production. </p>
<p>I don’t think any of the schools on your list would “emphasize film production” even if it had a full-scale department. Wesleyan has a few production courses (usually limited to majors), but, these are not art schools; they’re not going to give you credit for only making films.</p>
<p>My son just completed a similar search. He was interested in film production and creative writing in an academically engaging, dynamic enviroment. After an extensive search, his final list included NYU/Tisch (1st choice,) Bard, Sarah Lawrence, Occidental, Michigan, USC and Brown. He also looked at Wesleyan, Vassar and Pitzer. He applied ED to Tisch and was accepted, so he is all set (and incredibly thankful and excited!)</p>
<p>My advice to you would be to thoroughly research each school’s production offerings. Some schools are well known for film studies, but not production. Also, while both NYU and USC are large, their film programs are not. If you are only considering LACs, you should take a look at the others on the above list- they all have strong film programs!</p>
<p>If you have multiple interests and don’t want to commit to a preprofessional film school, a LAC that has consortial agreements with NYU or USC would be an option. I know that Middlebury and Oberlin (there are probably others) have agreements with Tisch so students can study film production during their junior year. Think of it as a year abroad, but in NYC.</p>
<p>If you like Bowdoin, I see no reason to drop it from your list. You may not get in, and even if you do, you’re under no obligation to matriculate. If you like the school, why not apply? It’s somewhat lenient in admissions (SAT optional), is loan-free, has great food and dorms, and offers strong academics. What’s not to like?</p>
<p>Occidental would be worth a look. It’s a LAC with a decent film/media program and is conveniently located in LA.</p>
<p>Thanks for all of these replies! I’m probably not considering a career in film - it’s just something I’m interested in. However, the reason I posted the question about Bowdoin is because I’m planning my college visit trip and it’s a difference of the cost of plane tickets and hotel rooms if I’m seeing another college.</p>