Film at Sarah Lawrence College

Hello, could any SLC students describe the film program?
-Time allowed for independent projects
-First year assignments
-Theory vs hands on experience
-Quality of material
-Alumni outreach

Thank you!

Following this post and hoping to hear more info on this topic, thank you in advance

Based on our research, SLC has a very good Film program. It’s fairly hands on. The alumni is, in general, very supportive, including internships. The proximity to NYC helps too. The teachers & staff are helpful, good material and facilities.

It’s incredible here. It’s extremely hands-on, like every other “discipline” (makeshift air-quotes because we see everything as complex and connected. We’re all about breaking down those walls). The relationships you develop with professors are unparalleled, thanks to the conference system and how passionate the professors are. Meeting with your professor one-on-one every other week for a half hour (or more) keeps you accountable, but students are very self-motivated (the irony of me writing on CC about my self-motivation when I have reading to do is not lost on me) here anyways. My professors are basically like my parents. The connections you make here are unbelievable, and everyone who studies and/or teaches here is connected, somehow, to not just each other but people in the industry. People here are very passionate about their work and sharing it with others and connecting with each other on deep levels, and all of the projects you do here make you stand out because you’re getting a liberal arts education–something that gives depth, flavor, and context to your work, and people in the industry recognize that. Career Services is also awesome at helping you get an internship.

@LumosMarauder203 thanks for that! Very helpful!