If you want ot think really outside the box- Bournemouth University
Something located close to Hollywood? Internships / volunteering may be important.
@colorado_mom said
I don’t agree. It’s true that merit aid might reduce your need and thus, if it is a ‘meets full need’ school you might see the need based financial aid reduced or eliminated. Most schools don’t come close to meeting full financial need and do allow stacking. My daughter has merit, talent, federal and state need based aid, state grants and whatever else we can wrangle. It’s all stacked up like cord wood.
A friend’s D who was interested in film applied to Ithaca College.
A friend’s S did film at Columbia Chicago and loved it. He did get some merit, but I don’t know what his stats were. He had some work right after college for some indie projects in Chicago. Currently gainfully employed in for a big marketing/advertising company in Chicago.