<p>Since it's taking Dodge a little bit longer to respond to those who applied to the Film Production major, why not have a thread dedicated to the anticipation and results. Has anyone heard back? I saw a thread from two years ago in which kids were talking about getting their acceptance letters in late April...</p>
<p>If I remember, some transfers for production were getting decisions in April last year. I’m sure you will get a decision way sooner</p>
<p>I read on the Chapman Office of Admission blog (blogspot.chappenings.com) in the comments somewhere that they will start sending out decisions for Film Production on February 15 and should be done by mid-March. I hope it will be that soon! I’m dying of anticipation.
Good luck to you guys!! I hope we all make it in (and ride in on fluffy unicorns made of cotton candy right xP)</p>
<p>thank you so much for that info edthegurl because I have been flipping out everyday, checking my mailbox twice and thrice! Crossing my fingers and good luck to all! =)</p>
<p>I was accepted today into the film production major. I found out online, so I assume the letter will come sometime next week.</p>
<p>I’m very excited!!</p>
<p>congrats esther<em>day!! ^</em>^
I too am eagerly awaiting a decision. I was getting worried because my decision still wasn’t up, so it’s good to hear they don’t plan to finish until March. Thanks a bunch for the info edthegurl! Good luck to everyone!!</p>
<p>thanks :]</p>
<p>i know one other person who was accepted online on monday. at the chappenings blog they said film production would hopefully be done by march 15th.</p>
<p>good luck to everyone!!!</p>
<p>My status reads: “Decision Complete” as of 3/2/09. Esther-I imagine yours says something along the lines of accepted, correct?</p>
<p>mine said admission approved.</p>
<p>good luck everyone!</p>
<p>Just got in for film production. Soooo dang excited. I was getting nervous too because I didn’t think my vid told much of a ‘story’…but I guess it was good enough ^_^</p>
<p>edthegurl - is your video up on youtube? i’d love to see it!</p>
<p>Yup, it’s at <a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e2CdeWv3M8[/url]”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e2CdeWv3M8</a></p>
<p>awesome!! I just got accepted today as well!! hopefully I will be seeing some of you next year! =]</p>
<p>Hey there -
I applied as a transfer for Chapman admission 2009 for film production (r u a transfer too?) and I heard that we would not get answers til at least the 15th of April to the beginning of May…I am super anxious as well…how did the whole application process go for you?</p>
<p>Hi nrfoster7! I think we are pretty much all incoming freshmen applicants. Most of those have been notified already; transfers may be coming in a little later. Good luck to you!!</p>
<p>i applied as a transfer for film production too! i was super stressed while getting the application ready (esp the video essay) but now i’m trying to relax and not think about it until i hear from them… but i’m counting the days till april 15th… even though i’ll prolly not hear from them till may</p>
<p>did someone give you the May date? Where are you transferring from? Did you apply to any other schools? You are the first person I have found that is transferring into the program (or hoping to)…wanna share stats?
-Nic (Good luck if I dont hear from you)</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, I am transferring to Chapman as a Film Production major as well. Yesterday, David May said a “post was being written for transfers” on his blog and it was going to be up soon. Here’s the link, so make sure you guys check. Supposedly, they’re going to have information about when we’re going to find out.</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://chappenings.blogspot.com/]Chappenings[/url”>http://chappenings.blogspot.com/]Chappenings[/url</a>]</p>
<p>The best of luck to all of you transfers! We visited Chapman last week, during spring break, so we did not see the student body, but the Knott studios building was a-m-a-z-i-n-g! The rest of campus seemed well maintained and easy to get around.</p>
<p>thanks for the information. I just got a letter in the mail saying that I didnt qualify for financial aid (because Im trying to get dependency override - but they didnt ok it cus the system is jacked) so even if I get in I dont know if I will be able to go Im guna have to try and talk to the dean of the school or something…wish me luck!!!</p>