Film schools...

I’m interested in making film my major in college, but I’m having trouble deciding my final list.

I’d like a school in a relatively urban area, one that doesn’t just focus on film/radio/television. My dream is NYU, but let’s be realistic; I definitely need at least three more on my list.

I’m also considering USC, UCLA, and UT Austin.

<p>Boston University & George Washington University are both urban, and both are a little less selective than NYU & USC. I don't know how their film schools are though.</p>

<p>BU is definitely less selective than USC or NYU, and its program is one of the strongest in the country (3rd behind USC & NYU, I've been told). UCLA is good too, but you dont apply to the film major until youre a junior, thus, you could get in and not get your major.</p>

<p>USC I know only accepts 50 freshman for its film production major.
NYU Tisch is about the same, (I heard one year they only took 36).</p>

<p>BUT it is much easier (but not easy) to get accepted as a transfer into a film major. This is great if you are new to film and need to build your resume, or want to establish a better academic record.</p>

<p>Also, a lot of people major in something completely different as an undergrad, and then go to the top grad schools (like USC) for film. This is because grad programs for film and undergrad programs for film teach you about the same thing.</p>

<p>Northwestern and Syracuse have extremely well-respected communications programs.</p>

<p>Chapman has a great film program.</p>

<p>whats harder to get into: UCLA or USC</p>

<p>for film: usc</p>

<p>Emerson in Boston might be an option for you.</p>

<p>UCLA is actually harder to get into than USC. UCLA accepts only 30 students in junior year where as USC accepts 50 into film production freshman year (granted 5 or so are sons/daughters of people in the industry so this number is a bit lower).</p>

<p>And Emerson is a college which focuses solely on communications, which the OP specifically said he didn't want.</p>