Fin. Aid problems

<p>I was admitted EDI and my financial aid estimate got here yesterday. My family's expected contribution was about 49,000 (?!?). I'm not sure how it was calculated but we absolutely cannot afford that without remortgaging our house which is an absolute no with my parents (I have a sister starting college the year I graduate). My parents were hoping for 20,000 in aid, we can probably afford 30,000 a year at most. </p>

<p>What should I do from here?</p>

<p>You have one of your parents talk to FA tomorrow. Sometimes there are mistakes. Perhaps there are special circumstances the FA Office is unaware of. They can tell your parents who they calculated the amount.</p>

<p>If you absolutely cannot pay, Vassar will let you out of your commitment I imagine, but then you’d better make sure you’ve applied to financial safeties.</p>

<p>They want you to be able to come. It’s worth a try.</p>

<p>Yet another story of the abuses of ED by colleges. ED is an abysmal and discriminatory practice favoring the rich and wealthy. It needs to be abolished NOW.</p>

<p>//\No college forces applicants to apply ED and every advisor emphasizes NOT applying ED unless comparing financial aid offers from colleges is not a concern.</p>

<p>nocousin…theres a reason why the only way you can opt out of ED is due to Financial Aid…</p>

<p>We were in a similar situation and my husband called Vassar and went over some salient issues of our financial situation. Vassar was very accomodating, so have a parent who is well versed in your financial situiation call.</p>

<p>Mindy, if you don’t mind me asking, did you have any special circumstances or anything like that?</p>

<p>Yes, there were special circumstances…I wish you the best of luck though. It’s tough situation.</p>