fin aid

<p>When should we expect financial aid letters? (as it gets farther from "mid-March" I wonder if I should check to make sure my fafsa made it to you)</p>

<p>yea same question.</p>

<p>Should have either gone out today or will go out tomorrow. Your package will also appear on the SOLAR system.</p>


<p>abuadmissions -- Nothing has come up on my SOLAR system :(</p>

<p>What if we are late in putting SB on the FAFSA, like added it last long until we hear?</p>

<p>ditto to mead.. should it be on solar yet?</p>

<p>I guess it didn't happen today... perhaps tomorrow? I'm out of the office tomorrow visiting high schools in CT, but I'll find out and let y'all know.</p>


<p>i still didn't receive mine!</p>

<p>Have you checked SOLAR? You might want to call Financial Aid and see if they're missing anything. Everything should be out by now.</p>
