
<p>I've got a qstn--I got a letter about financial aid way back when whenever I got my acceptance letter, so is that all the info I'll be receiving about financial aid? I wasn't sure how much of it was loans and how much of it was need-based scholarships. Anybody know?</p>

<p>I doubt that that's all you will hear about your fin. aid. Probably what you received was just PFEA--stands for Preliminary something Estimate something :D--. You should receive more info any day now.</p>

<p>ooh thanks for the heads up on that one :D</p>

<p>Agree. There is something called <a href=""&gt;;/a> and soon, if not already, you will receive info about how to sign up to visit the site. There is all types of your private financial info there. Seems it might have been mid April when the info appeared for son. And it changed too, as the summer progressed and other loans and grants rolled in. I thought it was nice that I as a parent, could always see the latest fin info.</p>

<p>no problem at all...are you going to be there this fall?</p>

<p>mm I'm not sure yet... I'm torn b/t Purdue, USC, and Harvey Mudd--all for engineering.
btw, I happened to notice on your profile that yesterday was your birthday! Happy Birthday! (sure hope I'm not wrong on this, or I'll just look dumb)</p>

<p>thanks mominin, too--I had the info to see the site, I just completely forgot about it, so now I will have to go check that right now!!</p>

<p>My son is also deciding between USC and Purdue. Look at the new us news rankings:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Considering that USC is 3 times the cost of Purdue, part of me really wants him to choose Purdue!</p>

<p>Well for me, both schools cost about the same with financial aid. Also, I'm out of state (I'm from Missouri), so Purdue's only $10K cheaper than USC.</p>

<p>dncrditzx22, you were quite right, my b-day was on Sunday :) Thanks a bunch for noticing, and good luck as you decide where you go.</p>

<p>thanks! you too :D. Did you do anything special for your birthday? 18th, right? maybe?</p>

<p>thanks! it most definitely was my 18th :cool: I didn't do much of anything out of the ordinary, though my mom did take me out to of my presents was a chick that I named Chip :D</p>

<p>I just got a call from a Purdue student, and she said that I may not recieve my financial aid award letter until after May 1! My bottom-line amount on my USC letter was only $1280, so if I don't find out before the signing deadline, I think I'll just go to USC</p>

<p>Ohio State's bottom line was over $10K. Can't risk committing to Purdue and having their bottom line be that high.</p>

<p>yea I finally got my award letter, and it def. wasn't anywhere near as good as other schools, so I think I'm just going to turn Purdue down. Is there a form to do that, do you know? I'm not very good at this whole figuring out college thing ;)</p>

<p>purdue finaid sux... really really bad</p>

<p>yes I agree. But at least you have a good song as your sn :D</p>