
<p>Has anyone gotten any financial aid info yet? If so, how long after you got your decision did you get your packet?</p>

<p>BUMP! (10 char)</p>

<p>I was accepted back in November and I got my financial "aid" package three weeks ago.</p>

<p>I was accepted about a month ago and haven't heard anything yet from fin aid.</p>

<p>Son was accepted back in November, but not into the Music School until December. Music scholarships were not decided until a few weeks ago. Still have not received the financial aid package (what, in addition to the Music Scholarship he will get).</p>

<p>i was accepted like in early november and i havnt gotten my package yet</p>

<p>Does anyone know the deal with this family information form? The financial aid site says they email you if they need something other than the FAFSA, but I never got an email. It says under "documents still needed", though, that I need a Family Information Form. What's the deal? Did everyone else send this in, and how the hell was I supposed to know to do this without an email?</p>

<p>Titan124: They hardly ever email if I recall right. They usually mail. Send off the FIF by mail or go hand it in personally if you're close to Madison. Within a few days after they receive it, it should be off the "documents still needed"</p>