Final Decisions - Postponed Students

<p>I know the website indicates that postponed applications will receive a final decision by March 15. Will all the final decisions be mailed on March 15 or will they be sent out as decisions are made over the next two weeks? We are OOS if that matters.</p>

<p>I just sent in a question to that Live Web Chat at Madison. They said…
The majority of the postpone decisions will be made during the second week of March, just prior to the March 15 deadline for decisions.</p>

<p>Kinda sorry to hear that. While the 3/15 deadline is known, my S has acceptances from four other well regarded universities - including a couple with large merit grants. Enthusiasm for UW may be cooling.</p>

<p>Well put Bear. With all the other schools looking for deposits etc…, We aren’t even paying attention to UW anymore. Whatever happens with the decision now doesn’t really seem to matter. We are likely looking elsewhere. Seeing kids getting in with low 20’s on their ACT doesn’t make my son feel any better about attending either. I understand URM’s to some extent but overall between the length of time to hear back and the randomness of some acceptances, there has been a steady decline in desire for UW.</p>

<p>:rolleyes: Those are rather silly reason to not attend a school, but I’m not gonna feel anything for people who feel that way. At least some kids who actually want to go here will have a spot, then.</p>

<p>The passion that fades for a school when there are so many good options is a funny thing. You can think they are silly reasons all you want but you opinion is of no consequence to me or my S.</p>

<p>Will they send an email or do you have to check your status? My son can’t remember his id number and says he doesn’t care if he gets in anyway. We’re from Illinois and he was accepted early to U of I Urbana. But, his dad went to UW and is very interested in finding out if he gets in or not! (probably more a point of pride because we can’t afford the out of state tuition anyway!)Will they mail a letter at least I hope?</p>

<p>firefighter40, As if I care? I am only amused by the impatience of some students and their parents, and the “Oh no, someone with a lower ACT got accepted right away, and I didn’t.” Bruised egos are a funny thing. But hey, like I said, more room for kids who will appreciate the experience. </p>

<p>vocemom, They will not send an email, but they will mail a letter. If he really wants to, it’s easy enough to get your ID and get in to MyUW and the student center, but the letter wouldn’t be too far off from when he would have found out from the student center anyway. And congrats on his acceptance to U of I. :]</p>

<p>Vocemom - I have seen in other threads that you will receive your answer in the mail and on-line. A few previous posts indicated they got the letter before the on-line information changed. Others indicate that the status link will go away a day or two before your updated status appears. I guess we will find out.</p>

<p>Firefigher - I hear ya. The randomness as spelled out by numerous posters with ACT’s in the 30’s, high GPA’s, mutli-sport varsity athletics etc. getting postponed is amazing. Since my son fits the stats noted above and also posted straight A’s seventh semester (including 3 AP classes) I’m pretty confident he will be admitted to UW. However, our attention now is on his applications with the elite schools with 4/1 decision dates: BC, ND and USC.</p>

<p>I completely understand feeling impatient - it is very hard to wait! We know as we just went through the college admissions process last year. However, MANY schools do not notify re:admissions until April 1st or just before. A March 15th date may feel far away, but is really only days away. Of course colleges are looking for deposits as soon as possible - the more students that “lock in” and commit, the better from their perspective…especially as that pushes kids to decide before they would have heard from all their schools, usually. However, nationally the day to decide/commit is May 1st. So, I’d encourage students to take a deep breath and wait until they have ALL their decisions from ALL their schools (which has to be by April 1) to make their choice. </p>

<p>My son was admitted to UW last year in January, but did not hear from Wake Forest (for example) until the last couple of days in March. While he was pretty sure he was going to pick UW, we encouraged him to see how he felt when all his “cards were on the table.” He was excited about a few of his choices and went back and forth a bit before making his final decision, but having the chance to view the whole picture after all the emotions and “roller coaster ride of the admissions cycle” settled really helped him make a thoughtful, informed decision </p>

<p>By the way, he has been thrilled with his choice and loves being a Badger. Good luck to all - they are lots of wonderful choices out there.</p>

<p>“I understand URM’s to some extent but overall between the length of time to hear back and the randomness of some acceptances, there has been a steady decline in desire for UW.”</p>

<p>i feel the exact same way 0_o UW was supposed to be an easy admit for me, but i still have to wait another 2 weeks to hear of a final decision. & outright rejecting some people with 32+ ACTs [as seen on this website]? it all just sounds like a bad joke, lol.</p>

<p>Do remember that this site only has an extremely small % of applicants reporting their stats. AND, there is always more to the picture than just a few pieces of info posted online. I do get the sense that a lot of folks were postponed this year - I wonder if the large number of applicants over the last couple of years combined with the economy and number of kids that apply to an increasing number of schools (like 10, 12 15 apps per kid) make enrollment predictions difficult and, thus, a large number of postponed??? Who knows? I could be totally wrong about number of postponements and why, but with significantly less than 1% of applicants using this site, it is hard to make accurate conclusions, despite some unexpected results. I do feel confident that most of those strong applicants who were postponed will be offered admission unless there are odd or extenuating circumstances. I watched so many weird things happen last year (not related to UW) with admits…crazy, but people do seem to wind up with great choices and happy with where they attend. Keep the faith.</p>

<p>Some folks need to get in touch with reality. UW gets around 25,000 apps. You have data on maybe 20 here and this is a very self-selecting group of people who might be more prone to stressing over college in general. Every school has a lower 25% that seems much less qualified than the top 25%. So you could find similar results at Harvard on down. Maybe somebody decides to post it about and maybe they don’t. I would guess around here you will hear more from high stats people who get rejected becuase more of them frequent this site Most lower achievers are quickly “shamed” off this site because of the general focus on elite colleges, etc.</p>

<p>UW just did a study of all new freshmen over the last few years and guess what–test scores were the least important predictor of success in college only slightly beating out the English placement test all new freshmen take at SOAR. Grades were MUCH better at predicting success. BUT, all the predictors together only are about 35% accurate in prediciitng how kids did in actiual college classes.</p>

<p>Update: While some postponed students may still need to wait until March 15th, admissions has clearly been working on their apps and begun making decisions. Son’s friend, postponed, found out this morning that she was admitted. So, keep checking as they have clearly started the notification process. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>Many people have noted more than a few “postponed” decisions that appear to be anomolies based upon other reported data on CC. I agree this can happen. Any high volume, subjective, human process is going to have an “error” rate where there are deviations from the norm. </p>

<p>While most of these postponed CC kids may very well be admitted in the next couple of weeks - the point was that for many of them, the blume is somewhat off the rose. During the two months these kids have been waiting for UW to come around, other selective schools (so the overall quality of their applications, writing, EC’s and credentials should not be questioned) have been wooing them with merit scholarships, admitted student days, telephone calls, weekly letters or e-mails etc. </p>

<p>I can only speak for my S, but at this point in the process, we were anticipating only waiting for responses from his elite schools with 4/1 notifications. Those are schools where admission is essentially a “coin flip” - even for those with the highest credentials. In October, going to UW was essentially a “slam dunk” if none of his 4/1 elite schools came through. While he is still interested in UW, its no longer a slam dunk decision.</p>

<p>I do understand. I wish him many great choices and hope he will consider them all fully. At the end of the day, I hope he is super happy and has a great college experience, wherever he goes.</p>

<p>travelfun, do u mean by email or website or snail mail? : P</p>

<p>chicagobear, good post :]</p>

<p>thisgirllisaG - she looked online - it was on the website where you check status.</p>

<p>I am postponed. My dad wants to call my admissions counselor. I know why…
I don’t think its a good idea. Could this hurt me at all?</p>

<p>^it won’t hurt, but it probs won’t help, especially at this point.</p>

<p>oOo, ok. well…i’m still postponed, as of 5 minutes ago :\ lol.</p>