Final Exam Prep for AP Classes - MULTIPLE AP classes :/

<p>Hey i have final exams in a few weeks and I have three AP Classses to prep for..AP Eng. Lang, AP Bio and APUSH</p>

<p>Im most worried about AP BIO and APUSH. THere is just SO much content, soooo much to read, how can we possibly study ALL of this?</p>

<p>Im having a lot of trouble. Please share some tips.</p>


<p>I agree. I have APs: bio, lit, ush, spanish, calc. It is really overwhelming! I guess it is a comfort to know that I can get a B on all but bio and still have an A in the class. But yeah, anyone have any tips?</p>

<p>Um review past homework/notes/quizzes/tests? It’s what I’m doing</p>

<p>I got 6 AP classes to prep for semester exams for. I am now dancing up and down with joy and excitment, not.</p>

<p>Not so sure how I can manage all that, and the only thing I have been doing so far is watching TV and going on CC. </p>

<p>Maybe go to a bookstore with some friends and study?</p>

<p>This site: [UCCP</a> Open Access](<a href=“]UCCP”> , offers really nice (FREE!) videos for APUSH and Bio. It’s helpful if you’re a slow reader like me or just want a quick review of particular subjects. It’s helped me out a ton in the past.</p>

<p>Brutal efficiency. Study what you need and nothing more. AP Calc (for me at least) is really easy, so I won’t study at all for that. Meanwhile, I’ll put more focus on my AP Euro and Bio, which have way too much content to wing a test. English is generally unnecessary to study for; just quickly review the bs that the college board wants you to know.</p>