<p>I've seen a lot of these types of threads, so I just wanted to see how you all view mine:</p>
<p>INTENDED MAJOR/INTENDED CAREER - Broadcast Journalsum, Communications/Sports Broadcaster (extreme backup is a sports talk show radio host)</p>
<p>MY LIST</p>
<p>Boston University - COM School (probably Early Decision...Visited three times)
Northeastern (Early Action...Visited three times)
Syracuse - Newhouse School of Commuications
Ithaca (Visited once)
George Washington Univ.
American Univ.
Univ. of Miami (Early Action)
-3.46 GPA (gets rounded to 3.5 on applications when they say round to the nearest tenth :))
-87/366 in the class and I'm in the top 25% (our class is the smartest of our school in recent history)
-1870 SAT (610 Verbal, 640 Math, 620 Writing with a 11/12 essay)
-OK/Decent SAT II's (can't remember the exact scores, but they're ok, nothing special...only matter for BU)
-Made National History Honor Society
-Am a member of the Peer Leadership Program at my school, where a rigorous interview process is required and there were many cuts. The program is very presigious at my school and helps Freshman adapt to their new school.
-Reccomendations are GREAT and will really help (didn't read them but the people who wrote them really know me and what I do). I have GREAT essays as well, due to my EC's (see below)</p>
<p>-Internship with local Gannett newspaper (I write published articles for it)
-Football Information Director at my school (started in 9th grade, pretty much a regular sports information director for football, but I'm a student in high school). I record stats, help the local Gannett paper in various ways (help conduct player/coach interviews, provide them info, etc.) and talk to opposing coaches/AD's before the game.
-I announce our high school football games over the PA since 8th grade (we don't have a TV/Radio station)
-CREATED a sports publication for my school that provides an update on school sports during each season - averages 6 issues a year. I am the founder, editor-in-chief, and publsiher of it.
-Presented the morning announcements since 10th grade...the job is usually reserved only for Seniors
-Was a Veteran's Day Student Presenter at the town ceremony in 10th grade (Vice Priincipal nominated me for the honor)
-Lead sports writer for my school's newspaper since 9th grade
-Attended two week-long Sports Broadcasting Camp Seminars. Learned from Sal Paolantonio (ESPN), Hall-of-Fame announcer Bob Wolff and various others. I learned a lot here, and the program is rapidly raising in popularity all over the East-Central US.
-Had participated in a community service program that help the aging and the ill. We made holiday baskets each year for them and distributed them all over the county. They also had a internet radio talk show, which I participated in.
-Worked as a referee/league assistant in a youth girls basketball league (some community service, some $$) and was a camp counselor for 6th graders at a sports camp for two years
-Ran Varisty track for 4 years, 3-year letter winner. I won't run track in college (not quite THAT fast lol), but it wrote it here anyway.
-FINALLY, I am an official member of the National Association of Sports Public Address Announcers...Asst. Sports Editor from newspaper introduced me to it.</p>
<p>So, there's me in a long nutshell. What do you make of this? My grades aren't anything special, but my EC's are amazing IMO, and should really help.</p>