Final List: UCD (hmm), UCSD (ok), UCLA (yay), UCB (yay) and...Stanford (no way)

<p>[Personal Info]</p>

<p>California Resident
White male</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.29
Unweighted GPA: 3.97
Weighted GPA: 4.25</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Scores </p>

<p>620CR/700M/720W (10 Essay) [2040]
ACT - 29 Comp. (33M/27R/28S/28E)
Retook - Math will be worse, everything else will be better</p>

<p>SAT II Scores</p>

<p>Math IIC 710 (retaking in December for 750+)
Spanish w/listening (will take)
Spanish w/o listening (will take in December)</p>


<p>Euro (4), Stat (5), Span. Lit (n/a), Calc. AB (n/a), Macro and Microecon (n/a)</p>

<p>[Current Schedule + Grades]</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB (86), AP Economics (87), Architectural Design (100), AP Spanish Literature (93), English 12 (93), Government (94), AP Environmental Science (84)</p>


<p>California Scholarship Federation (CSF) (10,11,12)
National Honor Society (NHS) (11,12)
Spanish Honor Society (11,12)
American Red Cross Club (11,12)
Science Buddies (11)</p>


<p>Spanish Honor Society Officer
Track and Field - JV Captain</p>


<p>Track and Field - 2 years JV and 2 years V
Competitive Soccer
Recreational Basketball</p>

<p>Mexico Mission 2007 <built houses="" w="" church=""> (11)*
Administrative Work at Medical Center
Intern at Yachting Company in France (Summer '06, '07)*
Freshman Orientation Volunteer</built></p>

<p>*Possible essay topics for 'furd App </p>


<p>Principal's Honor Roll
Biology Departmental Award
CSF Lifetime Member</p>

<p>...I know the SATs aren't there, but I think I can write good essays, get good recs, and am quite unique...</p>

<p>^bump to avoid being pushed off pagina uno</p>

<p>Stanford--slight reach
UC Berkeley/UCLA (in-state) - Match (but need a 600+ on the second SAT II to stay there)--50% to 60%
This also presumes you aren't going to apply as an engineering major. If a math or social science major, you should have no problem at either of these schools.
UCSD (in-state) - Match (almost 60%)
UCD (in-state) - Safe Match (over 65%)</p>

<p>P.S. Retaking the SAT II Math II to improve your score is really not necessary. Retake only if you are positive it won't keep you from getting a 600+ on the other SAT II you take.</p>

<p>Stanford is more of a reach than a slight reach. (scores)
Berkley - LA = High Match
UCSD = match
UCD = safety</p>

<p>Stanford: Reach
UCSD: Match/safe match
UCD: Safe safe match/safety</p>

<p>UCD: You'll get in for sure so long as you keep your grades up.<br>
UCSD: You'll get in for sure so long as you keep your grades up.
UCLA: Hmmm. Your chances are pretty good. Your SAT/ACT scores could be higher, but otherwise, you're still OK. You have enough extracurriculars to see that you're determined.
UCB: Same as UCLA.
...Stanford: Possibly, but not that great of a chance. Your SAT/ACT scores need to go up in my opinion. No matter what, that school is always a reach school......</p>

<p>By the way, you're lucky that you're a California resident. I'm applying to Berkeley from Arizona, and I probably have no chance.</p>

<p>^a couple notes:</p>

<li>I am quite sure I can and should get at least a 750 on the MathII</li>
<li>I am taking the Spanish w/listening this weekend and will hopefully have that 600+ fairly easily...just in case the listening bothers me, I am signed up to take the Spanish without listening in December</li>

<p> for the SATI scores, I might register late so that I can at least superscore it up to around a 2100 [maybe 650CR/770M/720W], but I might take the ACT again as well (my ACT math was strong last time, but everything else was quite weak...this time,it will be the exact opposite, I'm thinking I could get 32-33 with hardcore prep and if I get my timing down)</p>

<p>I will apply Pre-Business to La and Berk</p>

<p>...thank for your opinions...</p>

<p>bump to da top, ya hurd</p>

<p>with the strong GPA you should be pretty set at the UC's...a boost in the SAT's will help chances for UCB/UCLA but youll probly get into one of the two if not both.....</p>

<p>shows uniqueness for your stanford app...your academics are probably strong enough to warrant admissions but you need to stand out just like everyone else....write great essays and all that and even though its still a reach its definitely possible</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>(bump again fooos)</p>

<p>uno mas "bump" hasta que empezaba a dormir</p>

<p>No "superscoring" at the UC's.</p>

<p>Stanford: Reach
UCB/UCLA: Match-Slight Reach (in-state)
UCSD: Match (in-state)
UCD: Safety (in-state)</p>

<p>Use UC Davis as your safety school. I think you got a good shot at UCSD/UCLA/UCB in-state. Stanford is not likely. Best of luck.</p>

<p>One more time,
music's got me feelin so free
i'm gonna celebrate
celebrate and dance w/me</p>

<p>Alguien quiere resonder?</p>

<p>I took the SATII in Spanish today and, according to cb/wiki, the average is 634 or something like that...I'm sure I got at least better than "average", right?</p>