<p>[Personal Info]</p>
<p>California Resident
White male</p>
<p>UC GPA: 4.29
Unweighted GPA: 3.97
Weighted GPA: 4.25</p>
<p>SAT Reasoning Scores </p>
<p>620CR/700M/720W (10 Essay) [2040]
ACT - 29 Comp. (33M/27R/28S/28E)
Retook - Math will be worse, everything else will be better</p>
<p>SAT II Scores</p>
<p>Math IIC 710 (retaking in December for 750+)
Spanish w/listening (will take)
Spanish w/o listening (will take in December)</p>
<p>Euro (4), Stat (5), Span. Lit (n/a), Calc. AB (n/a), Macro and Microecon (n/a)</p>
<p>[Current Schedule + Grades]</p>
<p>AP Calculus AB (86), AP Economics (87), Architectural Design (100), AP Spanish Literature (93), English 12 (93), Government (94), AP Environmental Science (84)</p>
<p>California Scholarship Federation (CSF) (10,11,12)
National Honor Society (NHS) (11,12)
Spanish Honor Society (11,12)
American Red Cross Club (11,12)
Science Buddies (11)</p>
<p>Spanish Honor Society Officer
Track and Field - JV Captain</p>
<p>Track and Field - 2 years JV and 2 years V
Competitive Soccer
Recreational Basketball</p>
<p>Mexico Mission 2007 <built houses="" w="" church=""> (11)*
Administrative Work at Medical Center
Intern at Yachting Company in France (Summer '06, '07)*
Freshman Orientation Volunteer</built></p>
<p>*Possible essay topics for 'furd App </p>
<p>Principal's Honor Roll
Biology Departmental Award
CSF Lifetime Member</p>
<p>...I know the SATs aren't there, but I think I can write good essays, get good recs, and am quite unique...</p>