Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

Congrats @csuram1994 ! My D will be attending UArts. She has already made friends with some kids going to Temple and apparently the MT kids from both schools interact socially. Maybe our daughters will meet!

Thinking about writing my Daughters MT journey I am most taken by what we -the parents and young adults of the class of 2020 have been through. I know for many of us we have been planning, training, dreaming, researching, building spreadsheets…for the Fall of 2019 and the start of this incredibly crazy year that would lie ahead. So many parents from last year told us to enjoy the road trips and auditions despite the stress and all that comes with it, as it is precious time, do your best to embrace every moment and make it the best you can. I cannot say we always met the mark, but it was always on both of our minds. In hindsight, I am beyond grateful for that advice. We were all excited for a year filled with auditions, road trips, plains, trains new found friends, Senior Shows, Scholarship Nights, College choice tours, College decision announcements & celebrations, Proms, Graduation walks and big family celebrations. None of us could have ever imagined where we would be today and how differently we would be evaluating our College options based on an entirely new and unforeseen set of circumstances. It is like something out a dystopian novel, yet here we are. With everything that our High School Seniors has been through, the loss of dreams and plans, social isolation, the grief of losing loved ones to COVID-19, watching parents lose their jobs or businesses or even worse watching them got to work at a hospital every day, not knowing if they would fall prey to this illness while helping others in need. I look at my daughter and her friends and I am in awe of their resilience. Despite these circumstances they are navigating a new path, connecting with future classmates in Zoom Rooms during social isolation, singing together dancing together and just being silly. Finding ways to bring joy to those who need it. I could not be prouder of my daughters’ attitude and that of her friends. They are not letting this destroy their spirit, grateful for what they have, they are determined to make their dreams a reality. This is going to be one very strong group of young adults, ready to do what it takes to keep the Theatre Alive and thriving! Watch out world here they come! The Class of 2020/2024!

So my daughter’s journey… My D is the youngest of five. All of her sisters have been involved in the arts at our local Children’s Performing Arts Academy “Starstruck “ and years ago in their schools. As the Arts became increasingly underfunded, the wonderful Children performing Arts Academy in our community stepped in to fill that void. My D began attending at the age of 3 or 4 and never stopped. She went there for her after school care and felt safe and was inspired by the older children. Over the years she began to garner more leading roles and became very passionate about Musical Theatre and dance. By the age of 10 we knew it was time to invest in private voice lessons and was blessed with a phenomenal teacher (Mr Craig Wich), who pushed her to train all aspects of her voice and guide her through its change. He encouraged her to perform operatic pieces, to sing legit, to belt to mix, but most impotently to sing in a healthy manner. She had so many wonderful opportunities at Starstruck to work with many industry professionals, which would never be expected in the VERY small Florida town we live in. She also spent five summers working with the Broadway Theatre Program in Tampa. She would come back every summer radically different in her skill set.

Congratulations to your D @csuram1994! Wow, that story of your daughter getting an acceptance but then finding out it wasn’t an acceptance… that would be a tough experience for anyone.

The team at StarStruck helped to guide her through making her prescreens and by October we had all our applications in. So many had said cast a wide net this year and so we did. My daughter and I tried to create a balanced list. She wanted a top-notch school that would train her equally in all disciplines. She considers herself a singer, dancer, actor and hopes to Choreograph as well someday
She applied to 23 schools and sent out all the essays and prescreens by the end of October.

She applied to:
Boston Conservatory
Carnegie Mellon University,
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music,
Elon University,
Emerson University,
Florida State University,
Illinois Weslyan University,
Ithaca College,
Kent State University,
Michigan State University,
Marymount Manhattan,
Otterbein University,
Pace University,
Penn State University,
Point Park
Rider University,
Syracuse University,
Temple University,
Texas State
The University of Central Florida,
University of Western Connecticut
Write State Phew!
We heard back pretty quickly from all of the schools except Elon which was her final audition. She passed all prescreens except Michigan, Penn State and Ithaca College. We were absolutely stunned! Realizing this was too insane, she withdrew from, UCF, Kent State, Write State and ultimately sent is a video submission Marymount Manhattan.
We worked hard on logistics trying to minimize school absences, but also trying to make sure she did her live auditions at top choice schools, on their campus so as to get a feel for the school (glad we did as we would have never had the chance to see anything (TY COVID 19). All I know is while working full time, I also felt like a part-time travel agent! I had thankfully saved frequent flyer miles for the past several years and was able to do almost every flight on miles!!

Her first Audition was in November in Illinois Wesleyan, We had never been to the Midwest and quickly realized what Midwest Nice meant! She thought her audition went well and loved the school, the faculty, and all the students she met. They said we would be notified in March. We got home Sunday and on Monday they called and offered her their first spot! Wow, what a great way to start off her audition season! We did NYC Unified (Absolutely crazy) but only did two schools and on-campus Pace audition. My D absolutely LOVES to audition but felt Pace her worst audition. Just prior to going into the dance call she went to the restroom and was swinging her leg to loosen up her hip and managed to kick the tampon machine with a vengeance. She came out red in the face and pulled off her pedini and 4 of her toes were already purple and swelling! Then they called “ok let’s go” for the dance call. I asked her ‘do you want me to say something’ and she gave me the death stare! So I sat in silence. She came out a little bummed as she had really built Pace up in her mind and she said she “just couldn’t get out of her head” But I give her credit for making it through with throbbing toes. It took weeks for her toes to return to a normal color. But who had time to get to a doctor! We buddy taped and kept going after that! She enjoyed every audition from Carnegie Mellon who passed her around from Room to Room, she was the first kid in for her and group the last one out for all groups, To the Chicago Unifieds (great experience) and every campus visit. She honestly loves to audition and seemed to make a new friend at everyone!
In the end she was offered a BFA MT position At :
Florida State University
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music
Illinois Wesleyan
Otterbein University- with a dance minor
Rider University
Syracuse University
Boston Conservatory
Roosevelt CCPA with a dance concentration
Temple University
Western Connecticut University
She was also offered waitlist spots at Point Park University, Texas State first alternate, Emerson, Marymount Manhatten and Hartt.
There was one school that from the moment we stepped on campus, we just knew this was where she belonged. We both could not put our finger on what it was, but the vibe was 100% right! We both had butterflies and a wonderful nervous excitement. We spoke with many of the current students and they were all incredibly warm and welcoming. She just had to nail the audition, and it was their last audition, which made us a bit anxious. She auditioned on February 15th and got a BFA MT admission offer Email on February 17th!! She was beyond elated. She couldn’t make the accepted Student weekend but, they so kindly set her up to see the last night of their current show, which was absolutely incredible, and she spent the next day shadowing a student. She came out ever more convinced that this was home.

The next day the Nation started closing schools everywhere. What pre-COVID would have been an easy decision now became so complicated, as our livelihood came to a screeching hault and the rest of our family life turned upside-down.
We agonized, calculated, and recalculated. My D was so sweet and said she would understand if we couldn’t afford her dream school anymore and that the decision was now in our hands. We spoke with the school they were absolutely wonderful in their guidance and help as we struggled to make the final decision.
I am beyond proud to say my D is attending her dream school The Cincinnati Conservatory OF Music! She is a Baby Bearcat!!

Congratulation @bfamt424! What a great run and story! Best of luck to your D at CCM!

Congrats @bfamt424 . Thanks for sharing your D’s awesome journey. CCM is lucky to have her .

@bfamt424 congrats- great story! especially like your " opening monologue" :slight_smile:

Yeah @bfamt424 !!! SO excited for her and how she persevered. She will do so well. :wink: What a great next four years!

Congratulations @bfamt424! So happy for your D and absolutely loved your opening paragraph. You said what we are all feeling.

Congratulations @csuram1994 !

@bfamt424 and @csuram1994 Congrats and awesome stories!

That BTP program in Tampa is the real deal. D did that for 2 yrs and it just got too expensive for us. Has some funny stories about interactions with Broadway stars including one who got nose to nose with her in an acting masterclass. (Chaz P from Bronx Tale).

@bfamt424 Congrats to your daughter on CCM!

Wowza! @bfamt424 - you must be so proud that your D was open to changing her dream school if the family couldn’t manage it financially - that shows enormous character. Congratulations to her on CCM - I’m so glad she’s making this decision having visited and felt that total sense of belonging. It’s an amazing program and after all that work your D is going to attend her perfect fit school. What a happy story to start out Monday, thanks for posting!

@bfamt424 congrats to your D! We are from the same area; my D takes voice lessons from Craig as well. He is amazing!!! I wonder if they know each other :wink:

@csuram1994 congratulations to your D! My D may have interacted with yours at Chicago Unifieds, and may interact again, depending on my D’s final choice (still TBD)…

@bfamt424 so happy you were able to visit so many campuses, that makes a big difference. Congrats to your D!

@bfamt424 , I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I and another mom were sitting and chatting with you to pass the time at the Pace audition when your D texted or called (I forget which) that she had accidentally kicked the tampon dispenser and was injured! I am so glad everything ended up working out ok. Congratulations to her for being accepted to her dream school! :slight_smile:

@muttsandMT Yes, I remember you both!! It was so nice chatting with you!! I was grateful to have someone to laugh with about my daughters bathroom debacle. It was one of our best road trip stories … why we find injuries so funny… IDK it’s not normal! Where did your daughters Choose?

@jupdancemom I bet they do!!! Did you do the last soirée? Craig is the best!!! Where will your daughter be attending?

@rickle1 She was there that year as well with Chaz! So I am sure they know each other!! I can’t recall if that was the year the did Chicago or not, mine was Roxie. We got lucky and after the first two years she was offered an intern spot! It was a lot of work but, made it possible for her to keep going! Absolutely love Herman and Deb and the whole team!!( I have two handles, one in phone is diff from laptop!)