Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

Congratulations @StanfordAI2019 - I’m glad your d found her perfect fit!!

It’s funny when I saw your final story I got a bit of a pit in my stomach realizing we are all coming to the end of our journey. We have been through so much together and I have always appreciated your honesty and sense of humor along the way.

Like Dorothy said to the Scarecrow - “I think I’ll miss you most of all” :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you and your d!

@StanfordAI2019 Yeah on finally having a decision made!!! I have really loved talking to you and @MTisNutz over the last few months on here (even though both of you probably live like 5 miles from me???! LOL). I know this has been a rough year for everyone but I am thrilled your daughter knows where she is going. It sounds to me like she is truly a creator and has found the absolute perfect program for her at Point Park!

@singoutlouise Ha! Well, when she was a baby somehow we started adding “Boo” to her first name and then it evolved to Boogie. I didn’t grow up knowing Boogie was something that came from your nose…always just thought of the dancing definition! Boogie stuck and we still call her that more than we use her first name. Now you know!

@chenggang , @bfamt424 and @StanfordAI2019 congratulations! Thanks for sharing your stories. I am so delighted that our kids now get to all be with “their people” all of the time!

@StanfordAI2019 CONGRATS!! enjoyed the process with you and your( & daughters) sense of humor!!

@StanfordAI2019 - so excited for your D - I think Point Park is an amazing fit. You guys really epitomize the concept of going “all in” for applications and D’s spirit and your sense of humor have been a huge asset to this group which, even taking into account the normal MT app difficulties, has really had a tough time of it. Congratulations to her and to you!

Congrats @StanfordAI2019 @BoogieMa @bfamt424 and @chenggang! So much fun reading each story and finding out the results!

I am not sure why my comment showed up twice, so I will just say that I am looking forward to more stories!

@StanfordAI2019 - Congratulations!
It makes sense that Stan is in your user name. As the kids would say, I have totally “Stanned” your posts and comments. Your humor has provided some much needed levity to us all through this process. Thank you for sharing your incredibly unique and talented D’s journey!

Congrats to all who have a decision, and for those still deciding… it will all work out. I joined this party kinda late, but finding other parents going through the same experience has been invaluable. @StanfordAI2019 I know a girl who is in her 1st year of that PP program and her mom tells me she loves it. She also has many varried artistic skills. Your D will have collaborative opportunities combined with excellent training. Cheers!

Wow! Terrific tales from @chenggang, @bfamt424, and @StanfordAI2019 – congratulations! I almost passed out when I saw 54 apps. Holy cow.

Still waiting for a decision here. Stay tuned!

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@7Heartsong3 I know that have! On our last visit to CCM I met your son On FaceTime and we gave him a campus tour since he is so far away!! He seems so sweet! Glad they are friends!!

@7Heartsong3 @StanfordAI2019 @Sitzprobe @BoogieMa @chenggang it’s so nice hearing everyone’s story and sharing!!

This is without a doubt the BEST forum thread on CC. THE Best !!! Thanks for sharing your stories. I was riveted…and stayed up reading. All. Night. Long. It was like binge watching a Netflix show, only better ? WOW. Just WOW! My niece will be going through this process next year and her Aunty Coach (that’s ME, until I let her know she needs to fire me and find a real coach… HA!!.. though with my coaching, she auditioned for and got in to a super competitive school for the performing arts, but that’s a whole different ball of wax than this !!)

Anyhoo, just wanted to say a HUGE THANKS to you all for sharing your children’s journeys. Holy Smokes !! Soooo many unique, but yet similar stories/outcomes. I have to say going through this process from out of the country topped all!! And 54 schools applied to? That’s more than a VERY VERY wide net. That’s Gargantuan !! Holy Guacamole. Just WOW. Hat’s off to you! My niece commented once that it seemed like my son (Instrumental[clarinet] Performance/Music Technology major who is headed to Pittsburgh in the Fall) and I were out of town a LOT. She has NO idea what she’s in for!!! Our journey for performance was NOTHING like what MT Kids go through. Not. Even. Close.

Gleaned soooooo much from reading your stories/journeys. Took notes. I’ll be somewhat ready to help the girl out. Maybe? At any rate, I’ll be MUCH more ready than I was for my own kid’s journey. That’s cause I didn’t know about CC before we started. But, now I DO and feel like I’m adequately armed with knowledge. ? THANKS to you all.

You are all very much appreciated. Thanks for sharing. And WOW… just WOW on these incredible stories. Somebody really should take these stories and compile it into a book. I bet it would be a best seller and fly off the shelves for any aspiring MT student.

54 programs, @StanfordAI2019 ?! That’s mind boggling. I don’t know how you did it, but congrats on a happy outcome!

@berniesmom I have no idea why this isn’t a reality TV show yet…

Congrats @StanfordAI2019 not only for making a decision that she’s really excited about but for surviving the process of 54 schools! I thought my DD had the most with 41 schools at the beginning of the year - she dropped a couple along the way!

Congrats to everyone else that’s made decisions - so excited for all of you!

I’m still trying to wrap my head around 54 schools!!! Congratulations!!

Thanks everyone! Many of you asked about the 54 schools. We are a family of writers (I published a novel back in the early 2000’s. My grandmother was a literature professor at Wellesley, etc.), so she can crank through essays really easily. She started all the way back in July / Aug, so was able to finish them all by late October.

BTW - many of you appreciate my D’s sense of humor, so I’ll share this quip she said after auditioning at Unified’s. Not sure if I’ve shared this before, so pardon if this is a repeat:

One of the schools had several younger judges on their panel. When my D’s mom asked her if she got nervous performing in front of a lot of young & probably highly talented judges, my D replied, –

"It’s hard to be intimidated by a generation of people that are still scared to say ‘Voldemort’s’ name out loud.’

LOL. She kills me.

Congrats @StanfordAI2019 @BoogieMa @bfamt424 and @chenggang! What a journey! Ours ended today. Story to follow when I have time to write.