Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

Our journey ended last night. Our S told us at dinner (really out of the blue) that he had decided on a college. Deposit has been made. Emails sent. Release emails sent and SWAG ordered. Smiling faces. Relief.

Programs Applied: Ball State, Baldwin Wallace, BoCo, Carnegie Mellon, CCM, Coastal Carolina, Florida State, Montclair State, Otterbein, Pace, Point Park, Rhode Island, Rider, Sam Houston, Shenandoah, Southern Utah, Texas State, U of Arts, U of Arizona, U of Central Oklahoma, U of Utah, Viterbo, Wright State.

Prescreens Passed: BoCo (Video), Carnegie Mellon (video), CCM (Live), Coastal Carolina (Live), Florida State (Live), Otterbein, Pace (Live). The rest of the schools that required PreScreens were waived because he was as College Audition Coach student. Very nice benefit.
Prescreens Rejected: Texas State

Accepted: Ball State, BoCo, Montclair State, Otterbein, Rhode Island, Rider, Sam Houston, Southern Utah, U of Arts, U of Arizona, U of Central Oklahoma, U of Utah, Viterbo, Wright State
Waitlisted: CCM
Withdrawn: Florida State……he just didn’t make a connection in the room. In his words: “Dad….I just wasn’t feeling it”…….okay then!

Rejected: Baldwin Wallace, Carnegie Mellon (this one stung, despite knowing the odds) , Coastal Carolina, Pace, Point Park, Shenandoah

Coach: Mary Anna Dennard, College Audition Coach……I can’t recommend her enough!

Summer Programs: Workbooked Newsies Jr. in New York for Disney/MTI/iTheatrics. Performed in some shows during the summer and wrote music. We did go to master classes/mock auditions at Carnegie Mellon, Point Part and Baldwin Wallace before audition season.

He was in competitive gymnastics (competing for national titles) until the 6th grade. He played club soccer, football and baseball. An injury in gymnastics lead to a year off in which he tried a summer musical theatre camp for a week. He fell in love with performing. That led to auditioning for a musical with the local youth theatre group. A year later he was performing in a musical with a college in the area. He never went back to sports and I became a theatre dad. He couldn’t be happier……I am still on the fence, LOL.

As a freshman he pushed us to enroll him into a performing arts high school instead of a traditional high school, which we agreed. It allowed him to do what he loved multiple times a day and we don’t regret the decision.

Leading up to the audition season he had taken 4 years of private vocal lessons, 6 years of dance, 4 years of tap, 1 year of private ballet and 3 years of acting.

When we started looking into college programs we came up with a list of 5 schools. We had not been aware how competitive this whole process was. Once we did we took it up to 9 schools. I found the CC boards and down the rabbit hole I went. I found the word Moonifieds. I googled Moonfieds and that changed everything. I don’t think he would have been able to navigate this as easily without the help and guidance from Mary Anna Dennard (College Audition Coach) and her staff. From my son’s perspective he got top notch coaching, songs and monologues selected for him and an abundance of resources. From my side it was purely economic. After he blew up the schools he was applying to because of the odds laid out in front of us I used the logic that we would only have to travel twice for auditions: One time for Moonifieds (17 auditions/live pre screens) and a second trip for Chicago Unifieds (7 auditions). The (2) safety schools didn’t require auditions and (1) accepted video auditions. The savings in the extra travel if we had not done Moonifieds more than covered in what I paid for superb coaching. It was a win/win.

My son is also a musician and composer and has his songs on all the major streaming services and iTunes. He plays piano, guitar, drums and most brass instruments. For the past 3 years he has been writing and recording his own music. He was even called out a few times during auditions on this skill (yes, they read those resumes) and was able to perform his own music during his auditions and played some original compositions on piano as well. His goal during all of auditions was to stay in the room as long as possible. Some of his auditions went 20-30 minutes longer once they engaged him about his music. He feels it made an impact in the room……who knows?

From Moonified auditions heard from Rider, Baldwin Wallace, Viterbo, Wright State and U of the Arts all before Christmas. It was a HUGE weight off his back. To quote him “I can relax now……I am going to college”.

After Chicago Unified results my S had narrowed down his choices to 5 schools. He had done a really good job of not falling in love with a single school and literally did just enough research to figure out what programs he wanted to apply. We had everything in place to make our visits during his spring break a week before the COVID-19 crisis hit the US. All of his selected colleges went dark. Our plans went out the window. He spent time reaching out to faculty to get his questions answered. He became very experienced with Zoom. YouTube was great to get tours and student perspectives. Facebook helped him get in touch with current students that answered questions and took him around campus via FaceTime.

All of the colleges were more than willing to advocate on his behalf to get him some more scholarship money. He knew what our budget was and that he didn’t want to be saddled with loans once finished with school. In the end it came down to BoCo, Otterbein and University of Arizona. He really struggled between the 3, as they are all very different and all AMAZING programs. The tipping point was a 2.5 hour zoom video call with current students where he just clicked. He knew he wanted to a part of their tribe. He ended up with going with his gut.

Final Decision: Otterbein University
Go Cardinals!

Congrats @TheatreDad69 ! Great story! Congratulations and best of luck to your talented son!

CONGRATS @TheatreDad69 !!

@TheatreDad69 CONGRATS! Great story and best of luck to you S!

Congratulations to your S @theatredad69 - he had 3 great options to choose from and it’s so exciting that the online Zooming made him feel so confident in commiting! Decisions are hard this year but I am sure he’ll be very happy with his choice.

Congratulations @TheatreDad69 ! Great story! Best of luck to your S!

Congrats to you and your son, @TheatreDad69 !

Congrats to you and your son @TheatreDad69 ! He had great options so glad he was able to make this decision so confidently during these times! I am sure great things are ahead for him at Otterbein! Enjoy relaxing on the other side of the decision.

@TheatreDad69 - Congrats for your son. I think he will be thrilled with the program there. That was a top choice for one of my students, because he clicked with one of their faculty members (Thom) at CAP Atlanta. Unfortunately, he wasn’t at Unifieds and it was one of his last auditions (after he was getting sick) so it did not go well for him. He learned a lot about Otterbein between Nov. and Feb. and felt really excited about the school, Thom and the program there. I can tell you that even though he did not get accepted, he has gone back to Thom for help choosing from his acceptances and continues that connection that started. That says a LOT about faculty that continues to help kids even though they are no longer in recruitment mode with them. So happy for your son!!!

@TheatreDad69 congratulations to you, your son and the whole family. We have been watching your amazing journey from the sidelines and have been so impressed by your son. Thank you for being such a positive and uplifting presence on these forums, and for answering questions and providing helpful information. So happy for you all!!

Yay @TheatreDad69 !! Welcome to the Otterbein family. If you have any questions @Jpkcmo and I still come to cc occasionally. Both of our sons were freshman this year. The atmosphere and community is amazing and as @onette said- Thom is such a great mentor to these kids!!

@onette Thank you for the insight on Otterbein. My S didn’t get to meet Thom until his Zoom call with the faculty he met at Unifieds in Chicago. The impression he walked away with was that they were all class acts and wanted to spend the next 4 years with them. August cant come fast enough. He is so at peace with his decision. A week ago he was angry with not being able to visit these programs and we just gave him a ton of space and he eventually worked through it.

Congratulations @TheatreDad69!! What a very exciting time. He had some excellent programs to choose from!! I can not wait to hear more about his journey!!

Congratulations @TheatreDad69 !

Congrats, @TheatreDad69 ! What a great story and how wonderful that he had such a great connection with Otterbein to be able to make that decision. Hoorah!

@TheatreDad69 congrats!

Congrats @TheatreDad69! Great story!!

Yay @TheatreDad69!!!
I’m so excited for your son (and you)!!! :smile:
My son graduated from Otterbein, BFA Acting, class of 2018.

Thank you @gatorbridget We will be sure to reach out if we have questions. We appreciate the offer.

@TheatreDad69 Fantastic news and wonderful account! Best of luck to your son. You all must be incredibly relieved that the decision is made. :smile: