Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

I wasn’t going to do this. just felt funny about it,but I think it is a great way to provide closure to what was an enormously exhausting, stressful, yet inspiring journey with my D. This year in particular , with all that’s going on in the world, feels extra tense and to know a decision is made, programs released, and D is excited just brings a smile to my face and some peace and tranquility to our home. So here goes…

Applied: (Probably missing some) - BOCO, Emerson, Marymount, NYU, Molloy, Wagner, Syracuse, Nazareth, SCAD, Pace, Point Park, CCM, Roosevelt, Ithaca, Ball St, Viterbo, BW, Western CT, Hartt, UCF, UNCSA, Texas St, CMU, Coastal Car,
Prescreens Passed: Emerson, CCM, Syracuse, Point Park, Roosevelt, Ithaca, Hartt, Wagner, NYU

Direct audition : SCAD, Marymount, UNCSA, Molloy, BW (probably more, don’t remember)

Accepted: Viterbo, NYU, SCAD, Nazareth, Roosevelt, Molloy

Background: D is an artist, not just a performing artist, but an everything artist (painting, drawing, crafting - made me a great Game of Thrones platter for Christmas “House XXour last nameXX, Dinner Is Coming”. She’s a very clever kid. Has been in theater since she was 4 or 5. It’s really all she’s ever wanted to do. In my life I’ve known two people who knew what they wanted and never veered from their goal, a family friend who wanted to fly jets and my D. Our family friend is living his dream serving our country flying fighter jets in the Air Force. My D is about to embark on the next stage of her journey. She is also a gifted writer - more on that in a bit.

She attends a Performing Arts magnet HS. It was an audition in program and she was certain she wouldn’t make the cut. Well she made the cut and each yr became a more prominent figure in their troupe as both an actor/singer and a leader. Although quite talented, hasn’t had her fare share of parts at school which always blew us away (probably because she had/ has been the lead of virtually everything in her community theater group for many yrs.) This became difficult for her as she knew she had the talent to star in HS, but for whatever reason (I think her versatility actually hurt her) others would get leads and she would get a small but important character role - which generally was the most memorable. The scenario would constantly be, "Hey you were great, Best part of the show…can’t believe you weren’t the lead, " from many parents, students, etc. But just didn’t happen to the tune of really creating some self doubt. She would be told “Do this and you’ll get that” and then she’d do it and never got the follow through. Got to point where she was actually a bit depressed and we considered therapy because she just couldn’t shake free of assigning her self worth to the opinion of a few important people (to her) in her life. Program in general is not a nurturing one, much more tough love (which can appreciate to a point). Anyway, lots of character parts. In addition to performing, she connected with the local media and ultimately was asked to start writing theater reviews at a few professional theaters in town. They would give her free tix, sit her up front, buy her dinner, and have her attend shows with the rest of the media (with credentials). She created her own blog, connected with many of the professionals in the shows, and had a nice following (don’t know how kids know how to do this stuff). Often she would be in a show, rehearsing for another show, and writing reviews. All theater, all the time.

The person who probably gave her the most confidence was her private singing coach. Has been working with her for three years. Came in as a belter and has become a confident singer. The change has been impressive as her range has dramatically grown while learning to pull back, finesse, build up, etc. It’s a joy to just watch her sing.

Her acting has always been pretty good and many would say that’s actually her most unusually strong quality. Just has a certain knack for it. I think it’s the artist in her. Kind of an old sole. Knows a lot about old music, movies, etc. Loves to read plays.

Dancing was never her thing, didn’t put much time into it, yet has become a pretty decent mover.

Outside of theater, D is a real leader. She has led her HS’s troupe, organized their events, etc. She’s fully engaged. Most importantly, she’s a good fun loving kid. There are some that like to tare you down. She like to build you up and has had to learn how to deal with the other kind.

College app and audition process: Like many parents, we were on her to get her stuff done early without much success. Kept on hounding her, but eventually left it up to her. Prescreens were supposed to be done in August, then September, then October and were submitted in early November. She attended a college audition camp in the summer - highly recommend - and got to sample audition for 10 schools. Essentially all of them questioned her material. She called crying and said “they think my material sucks. What should I do?..” She was really committed to the material however and used it for prescreens. You never know what the results would be if you use different material. Started out getting a lot of rejections but then got some passes at really high end schools just showing how random it can be. Don’t know what created the change, but about two thirds of the way through auditions (after NY Unifieds), she decided to change her material. Looking back at the decisions, this was the turning point. She had plenty of NOs and then all of a sudden the yeses came in, most of them with the new material. To make matters more interesting along the way, right before NY Unifieds, she had a bad fall at dance rehearsal resulting in a pretty bad high ankle sprain. Literally couldn’t walk three days before Unifieds. Her whole world was ending. Got a lot of advice, including from one very kind CCer - you know who you are- and with round the clock treatments, she was able to move with heavy tape and a brace (couldn’t fit her foot in dance shoes but managed through it). Each night in the hotel we would ice it down, tape it up, etc. After about two weeks she was back to normal but it at least 6 or 7 auditions.

So was accepted into several nice programs. Really came down to Roosevelt and Molloy. She has always wanted to be in NY and just felt so comfortable with Rebecca. Never made it to Molloy thanks to Covid 19. Wish we would have seen it while in NY but she auditioned for them in Chicago and NY was pretty booked with other stuff.

Anyway, I’m so happy for her to get this incredible opportunity. I, and she, realize that where you attend is not the be all and end all and that it’s really what you do with it. She’s determined and fierce. I can’t wait to see where this leads.

I wish you all the best and Stay Safe!

@rickle1 Congrats! I’m sure she will love Molloy/CAP21!

Congratulations @rickle1 !

Congrats @rickle1 ! I hope your d has an amazing time at her school!

Congrats @rickle1! Another fabulous story!!

I wasn’t exactly sure what the decision was at the end of your post @rickle1 :smiley: but it looks like it’s Malloy College! So happy for your D, I know the kids who attend Malloy/CAP21 love it. I love hearing these stories.

Congrats @rickle1 ! Welcome to the family! I’m so excited for your D. It sounds like she made a great choice for herself. There are so many people in the program that are artists in many senses of the word. Writers, artists, composers, etc.

@rickle1 Congrats to your daughter!!! I bet she is going to LOVE CAP21/Molloy!!!

^ Thanks everyone!. This really is a extraordinary group. Yes @CaMom13 it’s Molloy.

Congratulations @rickle1 ! I totally agree with what you said towards the end " I, and she, realize that where you attend is not the be all and end all and that it’s really what you do with it." Best of luck to your D! I suspect she has some great things ahead for her.

@rickle1 Congrats! It’s interesting but I have heard of a couple of other students whose top 2 choices were/are Roosevelt and Molloy. Both great programs!

@rickle1 - Many congratulations, and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family! My D was a member of the inaugural class - the famed “Class One” that took the MT world by storm when they graduated 2 years ago. Your D has made the choice of a lifetime! She will work her butt off, but it will pay off. She will get an MT education bar none, and have a blast doing it!

First of all I want to say thank you to everyone on College Confidential for being here for this roller coaster of a ride. We have learned so much from all the stories, posts and messages. My D’s public high school does not have a lot of experience with BFA MT or Acting majors so CC has been so important in this journey. I have laughed and cried and cheered with you. I wouldn’t have been able to guide my D through this process without each and every one of you. I hope to pay it forward in any way I can. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Programs Applied to: Syracuse, North Central College, Penn State

Prescreens: Syracuse, Penn State

Accepted to: North Central College, Syracuse

Withdrew: Penn State

D was in the dance ensemble of her first show in 3rd grade, started acting in the 4th grade and performed in her first musical in 7th grade and was hooked. She started vocal lessons in middle school and added dance for a few years in high school. The rest of her dance training was from shows and she was a cheerleader for 9 years. She is an actor and singer first but enjoys dance. She has been in ensembles, supporting roles, lead roles, produced and directed shows.

The Journey:

From our first college visit to Manhattan School of Music, we realized that the campus vibe was going to be equally as important to my D as the school’s program was. We are fortunate to live only a few hours drive from several programs so we visited many schools. On paper, MSM was her top choice. The facilities and equipment were incredible, but the school was just too tiny for my D. She didn’t necessarily feel comfortable with the specific location of the school either.

Next, we went to the NYU general tour and she fell in love. Everything about the school, the location, the academics, the program were top notch. This quickly became the dream school. We knew she couldn’t put all her eggs in one basket, so the visits continued.

Ithaca, URI, and SUNY New Paltz were next. There were positives about each of these schools, but they just didn’t have the vibe she found at NYU. She then attended a Theatre Honors weekend at Russell Sage College in Troy, NY. She left feeling it had good points, but was just not where she wanted to spend 4 years.

A friend of hers attends Syracuse for vocal performance, so she decided to add that to the list of schools to visit. The moment we walked on campus, she got very quiet. My husband thought she hated the school. But that was the furthest thing from reality. The school fit her like a glove. This was the first school since NYU that she could see herself at. Syracuse values education, community service, and the arts all the same. One is not superior to the other. Syracuse Stage was impressive . The Tepper semester, All Star C.A.S.T, London semester and Sorkin week. Wow! She then had two amazing schools to consider, both with hefty price tags, and neither were easy admits.

The next day we visited Fordham, Marymount Manhattan and did the Tisch tour at NYU. On our way home from that trip she realized that as much as she loves NYU, she wasn’t ready for NYC living, and truly wanted the traditional college experience.

We went to Chicago for vacation and visited Columbia College of Chicago, which she was really impressed with. We also went to North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. The campus was warm and inviting, the student tour guides were engaging, and the faculty were great. Naperville itself is beautiful. The program for MT and for Theatre had great opportunities and double majoring is allowed. NCC was a safety school, but a fabulous school. D would be perfectly content attending NCC, so we cancelled our tour at Loyola University of Chicago. Our return flight landed in Syracuse, so we took a detour thru campus and she just seemed right at home.

Senior year started and she quickly applied and was accepted to NCC with a great scholarship . That took a lot of pressure off since we knew she was going to school for her passion. She filmed prescreens and at this point only submitted to Syracuse. First choice was Acting, MT was second, and Theatre Management was third choice. She attended the November audition and had an admission interview and was invited to sit in on a Theatre Management class. The interview for admissions, the audition and the Theatre Management interview all went exceptionally well. She left feeling great. After auditions she sent in her prescreen for Penn State. This was the only school we did not visit.

On December 17th, she received her ED acceptance into her first choice program Acting. The financial aid package followed about a week later and she received a nice scholarship and excellent financial aid package which made the school very affordable. She quickly withdrew the Penn State app . It was very sad to let go of NCC as it was a great school and program… I truly believe you land where you are meant to be, and I believed my D was meant to go to Syracuse.

Final Decision: Syracuse BFA Acting

That’s amazing @dramamama3 !!
Congrats. Your D is very lucky to have had your support to visit several schools and figure out her ‘fit’ early in the process.

She may be the kid discussed on this board who applied to the fewest schools, probably by a mile.

She is set up nicely for her future endeavors. Well done!

Congrats @rickle1 ! Throughout your story it’s really clear you see your kid with such a kind and supportive heart. What a journey!

@rickle1 Feel like some of the negative elements of your HS experience may be more universal in this group than one might expect. So much of the ‘set you up to knock you down’ from peers and even teachers. We have seen the petty mean girl stuff, the jealousy, the ‘If looks could kill’ stares, the social isolation, etc.

You should be very proud that these events did not leave your D bitter thanks to your support. Now she is on to life beyond HS. While she works toward and achieves her dream, she should feel free to forget all those who wronged her.
Dandelions bloom before roses, and the winds of time sweep them away.

Congrats @dramamama3!!

@dramamama3 - I .cant believe it; three schools! Break a leg to your talented and focused D!

@rickle1 - the tough days of your D’s high school years are done… she will find a warm, welcoming, inclusive community at Molloy/CAP21. After freshman year, she will have opportunities to perform right in her backyard at the Madison Theatre. I can’t brag enough about this program, which launched my D into her professional career.

@MTisNutz , @MommaCat and @EastchesterMom thank you so much!!!