Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2025

Congratulations to your son @Sonnie323!


Congratulations!!! What a journey!!


@CarrieTX just curious why the class of '26 hasnt started any threads of their own? the final decision stories are way down , I suspect this is all due to the new format, but maybe im wrong?

That’s a good idea @NYYFanNowMTdad

Here it is:
The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Huge thanks to all the amazing people who have share information in this thread and others!

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I suggest reading past 3-4 years OF venting threads and final decision threads as many of your issues, questions and circumstances have been experienced by those of us on the other side

of course the last 2 years Covid has changed/impacted things, but hers hoping this years class will be somewhat " normal" again

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Many people are on a Facebook group called MT Parents and BFA Acting Parents that are very active. I think it will take the place of these forums eventually.

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The posts are generally more candid in this anonymous format, though. I haven’t seen the level of detail re: audition results, etc. on MT Parents, which I think is valuable to future classes.


Programs Applied to: Boston College (Theatre BA), CalArts (Acting BFA), Chapman (Theatre Performance BFA, EA), Emerson, Florida State, Fordham (Theatre BA, Priority Performance), Loyola Marymount (Theatre Arts BA, ED), Marymount Manhattan, Michigan State (Theatre BA, ED), NYU Tisch, Pace, Purchase (Acting BFA), Rollins, UConn (Acting BFA), USC (Theatre BA), Wagner, Western Connecticut State

Prescreens: CalArts, Chapman, Emerson (Callback for Acting BFA Redirect), Fordham (Callback), Loyola Marymount, Marymount Manhattan, NYU Tisch (Callback), Pace, Purchase (Callback), Rollins (Audition for Scholarship), UConn (Callback), Wagner, Western Connecticut State

Accepted to: Marymount Manhattan (Writing for the Stage BA), Pace (University only), UConn (Stamford, Theatre BA), Wagner (University only), Western Connecticut State (Theatre Arts BA)

Withdrew: N/A

Rejected from: Boston College, CalArts, Chapman, Florida State, Fordham, Loyola Marymount, Michigan State, NYU Tisch, Rollins, USC

Wait-listed at: Emerson, Purchase, Wagner (Theatre Performance BA program, accepted off the waitlist in mid-April)

Coach: Jimmy Ludwig (MT, acting), Carly Polistina (acting), Thomas Woodman (voice)

Summer Programs: The York Theatre Musical Theatre Training Program Summer Intensive (2018 & 2019)

Background: We were completely new to all this as S unexpectedly showed talent and interest in 8th grade and nobody in the family or immediate circle had done this. We applied to probably 1/2 the number of schools that some did, but focused on several key meaningful factors: location in NY/Northeast, CA or FL and MT where they had a program but also looking at acting programs with MT performances or other music/voice electives. Michigan State was a dry run, the first easy application. They had taken many students from his HS in the past so we hoped it might be an early safety, but was not to be. We were very disappointed to not receive a callback from Pace (which we chalked up to its recent issues) and a bit shocked to not receive a callback from Western Connecticut (not to be a stage parent, but S would have been a get for them – we chalk that one up to them assuming he would go to a higher ranked program). Also disappointed not to be accepted to the MT BFA at Marymount Manhattan. He loved the writing program to which he was accepted but ultimately the limited ability to perform was determinative. Frankly, the emphasis on how “our Theatre BFA students will perform your work!” as if that was a privilege, for someone turned down by the program, was also a turnoff. Connecticut bobbled his application almost from the get-go, the auditioning professors acted as if they wanted to be somewhere else, and they never explained how he could major in Theatre from the Stamford campus and ultimately gave us no confidence. Emerson was a great audition experience – our S felt challenged to do his best and offer different readings of his pieces. Fordham was also great on the audition, as was Rollins. FSU was very confusing with conflicting dedlines, some buried deep in their website. The people at Wagner could not have been nicer or more communicative from the start. A tour of the beautiful campus, a ferry ride to Manhattan and acceptance off the Theatre Performance waitlist selaed the deal.

Last Thoughts: I understand how kids whose only dream is to study and perform MT feel like they need to apply to as many schools as possible given the level of competition, and no offense to those who did just that. But too many students over-applying raises that level of competition exponentially. I would encourage students to prioritize a reasonable selection of programs, locations, etc. that they would love to go to and apply to a mix of reaches, targets and safeties. This will open the field a bit for everyone, allow admissions people to focus more time on each application (how they found the talent in the tsunami of applications this year I’ll never know), and give more kids a better shot at their dream schools. Also, thank you to everyone on this site for your support and insights.

Final Decision: Wagner College, Theatre Performance BA


Congrats to your son!! Have heard wonderful things about Wagner!!
I agree- this is a very difficult, somewhat flawed process. I constantly tell my 3 MT kids (and remind myself), of the similarities to life in general, which is accelerated for these kids going through this. We certainly can’t control what others do- but I feel like the majority land in a great program, as there are SO many!! Thanks fo sharing- BEST of luck!!


Do you think you could copy this over to the Technical Theatre in the time of Covid thread for future techies to find?

Congratulations to your son @RafesDad!

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Just saw this! I will definitely copy it.

Programs Applied to:
D applied to about 20 schools - a mix of BFA MT, BFA Acting, and BA programs with strong theatre reputations. Was torn about how committed she was to a BFA conservatory, though she had a feeling she wanted to try it. Parents were open, though we were probably more in favor of a BA program with a liberal arts education.

D was passed on at most but not all of her prescreens.

Accepted to:
Chapman BFA Acting, Rider BFA MT, Roosevelt BFA MT, Cornish BFA MT, Whitman College BA.


Rejected from:
Lots of schools after prescreen. Biggest letdowns were UNCSA Acting, Elon, and Syracuse (both Acting and MT after passing both prescreens).

Wait-listed at:
DePaul BFA Acting

Her dad :slight_smile:

Summer Programs:
Artsbridge junior and senior years (rising)

D had a bit of an identity crisis going into her senior year. She wasn’t sure if the conservatory life was for her even though she was very intent on auditioning. This was all during the pandemic so that compounded her anxiety I think. We were able to visit some schools in March 2020 right before shutdown and that was VERY helpful in her final list of schools to apply to.
Last Thoughts:
Visiting after admission was super helpful for her to 'feel" a place, although we weren’t able to visit some of her admits due to pandemic and finances. Once she had some offers, she was able to do more research and really look at what her program of study and opportunities would be. She was lucky in the end to have 5 schools that she was excited about. I should note that I am a faculty member at a college in the Tuition Exchange Network - so we applied for Tuition Exchange at many schools (many others not on program). In the end, she received the tuition exchange (full ride) scholarship at 3 different schools she was admitted to which was a HUGE blessing and factor in decision.

Final Decision:
Chapman University BFA Acting! D received tuition exchange, which was key as Chapman is a very expensive school. The mix of the BFA program, Dodge film school acting opportunities, and a musical theatre minor was the final mix for her! She decided she wanted to keep doing MT but didn’t want that to be the sole focus. We also felt like Chapman’s professors and non-theatre classes were high quality, and would offer her good educational opportunities in other areas as well. Best of luck to everyone - what a ride!


Congratulations on your daughter’s acceptance to Chapman!

thanks for posting @RafesDad & congrats on Wagner. hes sure to have a great 4 years there

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Congrats on chapman @MT208. thank you for sharing your story

I can’t believe this journey, or I should say, this “part” of the journey with my twin boys, has come to an end. It seemed to be over so abruptly, that it’s taken some time to really sink in.
My hope is that reading about our experience will provide some insight and encouragement to others who are on, or about to jump on this crazy ride!

I had heard so many words describing the college audition process; exhilarating, exhausting, heartbreaking, confidence shaking, suspenseful, confusing, inspiring.
The comparison to a roller coaster is spot on!! While we all know life is full of unexpected/unpredictable twists and turns, watching my kids experience SO many of these in such a short period of time, all seemingly aimed directly at them, their talents, their “type”, was tough to say the least. The lack of feedback, never hearing, learning the “whys,” or more specifically, the “why nots,” was something that never became any easier.
I will also say that the “twin” factor was very emotional, for me as a a mom- specifically the timing of pre-screen passes, acceptances, rejections. We were told many times, from the beginning, to be prepared for them to separate. Both boys were of course open to that. But as the process moved along, began to unfold, I think they began to only see themselves together. In the end, we were VERY fortunate, with only a handful of options that would separate them.

Over a year ago I began scouring CC, among other sites, making spreadsheets, looking up every fact/statistic/piece of advice I could find. Reading about the experiences from kids/parents in previous years was such an encouragement and comfort to me. My boys didn’t ever want me to post too much information- but knowing how much sharing our experience might help someone else, I have their blessing!!

I will try to be somewhat brief, even though there are so many details to share. As I said, I have spreadsheets/documentation of everything including curriculum, cost, scholarships, deadlines, perks for honors programs, etc, etc. Please DM me with any specific questions!!

Programs Applied To:
(all MT/BFA’s where offered)

We were looking to cast a wide net, as recommended. It was good and bad that the boys had absolutely no idea/preference of the type of school they wanted, the location, size, etc. I do feel like if they would’ve known, this part may have been easier. But honestly, they wanted to explore everything!!

Initial Applications- American, Belmont, BW, CMU, CCU, Elon, FSU, IL W, JMU, Ithaca, MSM, NU, OKCU, Otterbein, Millikin, Pace, Penn State, TCU, TXST, U of AZ, CCM, U of MI, USC, Webster, Rider

Pre-Screens: I’ll refer to them as Twin A and B just for a moment, according to age :slight_smile:
Twin B passed all prescreens. Twin A passed all but Elon, FSU and Otterbein -this one was tricky- as he didn’t pass, then received a call back at CAP United, then that was rescinded- like that loop in the coaster that shows up one too many times!

Academic Acceptances: (for those not linked to artistic acceptance) to all except NU- which was kind of a bummer…In hindsight, I have thoughts on how we would go about this if given another chance :wink:

Artistic Acceptances: (MT/BFAs unless noted)- American (BA) , Belmont, Ithaca, JMU (BA), Millikin, Otterbein (twin B), Pace, Rider, TCU, U of AZ, MSM (only twin A applied) and USC (BA- only twin A applied)
Additional offers/acceptances from CAP United Auditions, that they decided to look further into: Alabama, Oakland, UNCo, MO State and Ohio U.

Withdrew: (cancelled final auditions for different reasons) Coastal Carolina, FSU, IL W, OKCU, Shenandoah (a late add due to a pre-screen pass offer)

Waitlisted: Pace (then accepted), BW

Rejected from: MI, CMU, PSU, Elon, CCM, TXST (4/29) and BW (4/30)…those final two were tough…as they were among the last to be cut, in the final days.

Coaching: Private Voice since 9th grade, Acting Coach- Junior/Senior year, Dance- VERY late, began taking classes sophomore year.

Summer/Other Coaching Programs:

Belmont Summer Vocal Intensive and SSTI Essentials, after their sophomore year (after which they made the decision the pursue MT); BAA- Spring/Summer sessions before senior year; CCM online before senior year; some short dance intensives before senior year: several local children’s theater intensives beginning after freshman year and beyond; CAP United auditions/some coaching, in November of senior year. Again- I have MANY “ thoughts” on each of these programs. Feel free to DM me!!


We live just outside of Nashville, TN. My husband and I are both in the music business. He is an exec/“ex” performer, and I am a musician (retired!!). Kids have been around music/theater their entire lives. Played every sport imaginable when they were younger, as most kids do!! They were in their first show at our church, at age 10. Their first children’s theater show in 5th grade was “Annie,” and they were hooked. We are very lucky to have had many opportunities in the area for performing. Between their school, children’s/community theater, performance troupes the last 7 years, have been a part of 25-30 full musicals, among countless other experiences. They also loved band/marching band, choir, Improv, were able to be involved in local recording sessions, table reads, sing throughs. So many things that town like Nashville can offer.

Academics- both my boys really did enjoy school overall. They took a handful of AP classes, and a few DE classes. We encouraged this mostly for the hope they would be able to bring these credits to college. In the case that they might want to double major, or even change their major all together after a year, they would be in a better position to do this. Also, many schools give amazing automatic merit scholarships for high gpa’s and test scores. Since the testing component may be changing in the future, the focus on the unweighted gpa seems to be the way to go. The difference between a 3.8 and a 4.0 is thousands of dollars per year, at many of the schools we applied to.

On the “timeline” subject…all applications/pre-screens were submitted by early September. I would also encourage those interested in honors programs, and scholarships that are not automatic, to really do the research. The process, deadlines, perks are drastically different at every school. This was probably the most time consuming part, for the schools which didn’t give automatic consideration for these. By the time we began this piece, my boys were SO burnt out of applications and essays. I also have a very detailed log of every date- submissions, auditions, pre-screen passes, acceptances, rejections, deadlines for every school/program- and would be happy to share.

Last Thoughts:

I am happily exhausted, and EXCITED for their futures!! My boys are feeling all the “feels”- excited, relieved, nervous, ready, “not” ready!!

In all honesty…this process kind of stinks. I truly can NOT imagine how talent/personality/fit is evaluated in “3 minutes”- especially via Zoom. I realize how very different this past year was, due to the pandemic. I’m sure we saved a lot of money, and stayed healthier, not having/being able to travel. Though I do think we would have gotten a much better feel for the schools/programs, as the directors would have, for all of these amazing applicants, if we’d been able to audition “in person.”

Would also like to include…if a program director asks your child to keep in touch…DO that, especially if it’s a program they’re interested in. Again…a HUGE difference in how each director examines prospective students. Many- audition in October/November…”crickets” until the end of March- not necessarily a good or bad thing. Some, accept students on a rolling basis. Others, send updates every couple weeks, sharing the “still in consideration,” status, or, “sorry, we don’t have a spot for you.” Then a few- who REALLY want to make sure that their program is a TOP choice for each applicant, to keep them in the pool. The last, are the schools that generally don’t use a waitlist, or call it something differently.

In the end- I am SO very proud of my boys, and every other kid who chooses this path. I have a very dear friend- whose words after her son went through this were, “I would hire a Music/MT major for ANY position in my company, as dedicated and resilient as they are.”

I will likely be doing this again with my daughter in a couple years. I will really encourage her early on, to think about the type of school she wants- location, size, campus style, etc.
Getting things done early is key.
Dance…MORE dance!!
Strive for personal best, academically (within reason of course- every child is different!)
I would for sure take advantage of one of the early unified auditions/coaching programs like CAP again. I’ve heard great things about all of them- don’t think you could go wrong.
Also- being “over coached” is a real thing. My boys began to feel this a bit near the end. Choose a couple options, and stick with them. Many different combinations of coaches, clinics, intensives, will absolutely work.

$$$- ask for more if you need it. We were able to get more from every school we appealed to.

There will always be snafus along the way, and we had our share!! These really made us question certain programs, and ultimately let them go in the end.

Final Decision:

After narrowing everything down, our only visits were to Belmont, U of AZ, TCU, Otterbein, BW and Ithaca… ALL AMAZING programs!!!

Excited to say, BOTH my boys will be part of the BFA/Musical Theater Class of 2025 at ITHACA College!!! Go BOMBERS!!!

Best of luck to everyone this year, and in the future!! This journey is like no other, and definitely NOT for the faint of heart!!


thanks for sharing your story, congrats on a great outcome@mttnmom

Thank you!! Took a while to post. Hope this helps someone beginning, or at any point of their journey!!

Thank you so much for posting this. As a mom of a rising Junior, these stories are super helpful! I would love your chart. I can then compare it with mine! Congrats to your boys!