<p>Ill get right to the point, this will be my last chances thread.
I am a californian resident, came to US in 1999-current stats is permanent resident. I am Indian, able to speak french, english and tamil.
Sat Scores: 690m, 530r, 460w
SAT II : Taking Dec, Math 2 & Chem, expecting 700m, 550+ chem
Extracurriculars: 320 hours of volunteering at a local temple and a computer networking company(office work) over these 4 years.</p>
<p>Take into consideration that I go to a very competitive public school.
Overall GPA: 3.57(W)
3.4 (UW)</p>
9th grade:
English 9 A B-
French 1 B B
Algebra 1B A A
Health B (Word Hist 1)C-
PE 9 A A
Earth & Space A A
Internet A (HTML/Unix Prog)A
3.714(W) 3.429(W)</p>
<p>10th grade:
English 10 B A
French 2 B+ A-
Algebra 2 A- B+
Geometry A A
Basketball A A
Biology B B
Word Hist 2/3 B B+
3.429(W) 3.571(W)</p>
<p>11th grade:
English 11 B B-
French 3 A- B
Trig/Math An Honors C+ C
Chemistry A B
US Hist 1/2 A- A-
"A" Java Prog AP B B
VS. Net Prog A A
3.714(W) 3.429(W)</p>
<p>Current Courses:
French 4 honors
Architect Design
Physics Honors
(1st sem)American Gov't
(2nd sem)Economics
Computer AB AP</p>
Cal Poly-SLO
U of Washington
U of Texas-Austin & A&M
San Jose State U(i guess only true saftey)
U of Wisconsin-Madison
U of Michigan–Ann Arbor
U of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
U of Maryland–College Park
UC-Irvine,Merced,Berkeley(I know i won't get in but...), San Diego, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, LA(same as berkeley),davis</p>
<p>Please reply accepted/rejected. thanks.</p>