<p>I know this is premature worrying, since I have yet to even get an interview invitation, but I've noticed that all the programs require a final, complete transcript with the conferred degree on it to be sent to the admissions office to cinch the admit. </p>
<p>Does anyone ever get their offer retracted from that last look at their senior year grades, or is it just a proof that you haven't failed anything and actually got your degree? Anyone have experience with this? What if, for example, you have a worse grade in one of your courses, i.e. a new C? More things for me to worry about as final exams begin...</p>
<p>Seriously, not a big deal to request for the final transcript to be sent (although admittedly, it took me all summer to remember to do it…). You don’t need to send in the “final” transcript until you graduate. In the meantime, use the current transcript (including this semester’s grades) for admissions.</p>
<p>They CAN revoke your degree if they later find out that you didn’t send in the transcript proving to them that you did indeed earn that BA/BS before entering grad school.</p>
I believe it’s generally the latter. As long as you actually get your degree, you’re all set.</p>
<p>I was pretty irritated when I found that out and realized that I didn’t have to agonize over my grade in the physical chem class I was taking first semester senior year. It totally wouldn’t have mattered if I had gotten a C.</p>
<p>thanks for the replies! this will significantly reduce my stress level…</p>