Final Transcripts PLEASE HELP!

<p>I am an international student from india and got accepted into virginia tech last month. I recently received the mail from them and got to know that i need to send the final transcripts from my school. I got a predicted final score of :-</p>

<p>English -85%
Physics - 80%
Chemistry - 75%
Maths - 80%
Web Tech. - 80%</p>

<p>I got in with these predicted scores as my final exams were supposed to take place in March, after the admission deadline.</p>

<p>They said that i could be refused admission if my final scores reduce substantially....</p>

<p>According to you people, how much does "SUBSTANTIALLY" mean, does it mean a drastic drop of 20-30% or a minute drop of 5-10% ... please help as my exams are current in progress and I am really stressed out about this issue. </p>

<p>Thank You :)</p>

<p>Hi Aravkharkwal,</p>

<p>I’m not exactly sure the grade difference from India to the United States but if you get below a C, which I think is about 80% on average in the US your credits wont transfer to Tech. I don’t know the equivalent of the percentages you posted to here but they want As and B’s. So a 5-10% drop I think would be where you want to stay if you do worse. It definitely helps that you are international as I am sure they are seeking for those type of students. Just try to keep up your current grades up as much as possible and you will be fine!</p>