Finally! Everything's postmarked and ready!

<p>Lol, I got up at 5 this morning to finish everything, and now, everything's done. God, I feel good inside. Now I can finally concentrate on other stuff (like my upcoming recital).</p>

<p>awww, the 8 people who just read this and went, you should CONGRATULATE nasafato.

<p>I did more or less the same thing! I’m excited.</p>

<p>great job and good luck!</p>

<p>SAME, Nasafato! i am sooooo glad i’ve finished. sending them in once i get out of school today, and then only one more, due Jan 31!!!</p>

<p>yayy (: good job!</p>

<p>Yep… I got most of them done today, although some of them is due on jan 31 and feb 1
it’s a great relief… I only got 4 hrs of sleep during this past week. The essay prompt has been my first thought when I woke up, and my last thought when I went to bed. The whole process just stressed me out.
I’m SO GLAD it’s finally over. now looking forward to march 10 “the judgment day”!!</p>

<p>Congratulation btw!!! Good luck</p>

<p>Ya, I haven’t got all my recs in yet. E-mailed all the schools and all of them said it won’t be marked as late if everythings in by Feb 10 so I’m not worrying.</p>

<p>mpiz- which schools said that they won’t be late if in by Feb 10th? Several of my s’s items are still pending at Exeter despite the fact that the senders sent them days ago. Exeter’s deadline is today!</p>

<p>Thanks and congrats to all. Exeter probably left the 15 days till Feburary for all those late things.</p>

<p>Hopefully your right nasafato! Congrats to you too! </p>

<p>S is done with everything he can do as of now. Does anyone else have outstanding documents for exeter on lionlinks?</p>

<p>Exeter deerfield and sps…they all are fine if it’s in moderately around the deadline. They’ll notify you if your missing something small.</p>

<p>I am so happy!! Finally, everything is done and packed away. I’ll just start worrying again in March. :-)</p>

<p>Did anyone wait until today to send apps? (I did… :slight_smile: lol)</p>

<p>I sent mine tuesday.</p>

<p>I still have outstanding documents on lionlinks but luckily as long as your documents were postmarked by yesterday you’re safe. I just hope my English teacher sent in my rec on time… she’s not great with getting stuff done on time, even when I gave her the rec like two months ago :-(</p>

<p>D still shows student essay, parent statement missing on lionlinks, and we sent them in Dec. 20…aggh</p>

<p>OK, glad we’re not the only one! It is so stressful the way the website says it can take 5-10 business days to process so don’t call us. But then they say they are strict with the postmark. So what if - like Tom the cat- we gave the items to the teachers/school/ec person over a month ago but they forgot or sent them late? Then the student suffers? Doesn’t seem right but I guess they need some cutoff. This kind of makes me see why one school- forget which- said the teachers could give them back to the student in a signed envelope and the student could mail everything in together. Less stress for the student/family that way! I thought I would be done worrying by today but now I feel like I have to follow up and nag all these other people to do their parts! UGHHH</p>

<p>pompom- that’s weird. our son’s ec recommendation person swears she sent in her rec around that same time period and it doesn’t show as accepted either. We sent in s’s essays during Christmas break and that shows received. I wonder if there’s a box on the bottom they haven’t got to yet?</p>

<p>I just checked and now lionlinks says that everything’s there…maybe they cranked into high gear today now that it’s Jan. 16th!</p>

<p>That’s great pom_mom! I wish ours changed too but it still shows we’re missing 4 items.</p>

<p>I’ll just have to keep the faith and follow up with them next week I guess.</p>