<p>Finals are right around the corner! That is A LOT OF information to study for. I mean, everything we've done this whole semester? I can barely study for one chapter! Give your best advice for how to study for such big final exams! :)</p>
<p>"Finals are right around the corner"</p>
<p>Precisely why I'm hanging out online. Procrastination central!</p>
<p>As for studying tips, take it a piece at a time. Write yourself notes and color code them. Make flashcards. Go back over all the chapters, one by one.</p>
<p>OMG don't remind me.</p>
<p>Me at 3AM the day of the final....:</p>
<p>Oh my god, nykid, do not do that! When I do that for a QUIZ I can barely pass!!</p>
<p>Oh, I'm like seminocturnal. I do my best thinking (and writing/studying) at ungodly hours in the morning.</p>
<p>My science professor offered us the option to NOT take the final if you're happy with your grade. As long as I have a B+ or above, I think I might just take him up on that offer.</p>
<p>Well, seeing as how I've done almost nothing in any of my classes (save for writing philosophy papers and basic assignments), I better start learning some stuff, fast. Like, I figure I need to take 4 days, 12 hours a day, to learn all of intermediate macro.</p>
<p>I've started making note cards for Anatomy and Physiology. Algebra, Psychology, and my freshman seminar class I'll pretty well blow off. A&P will require lots of studying and my Intro to Athletic Injuries will require a decent amount. Note cards, typing notes, and reading the book are my plans!</p>
<p>You'll get study guides or outlines of the material that will be covered on the exams from your professors. I suggest that you go over the tests that you've had this semester, and be sure to have the right answers for the questions you got wrong. Flash cards and any chapter reviews that you have via the text or the CD the came with the text will also help. Don't stress too much, but don't take exams too lightly either; they usually count for a good chunk of your grade and will make or break you in some classes. Good luck!</p>
<p>a secret to doing well: GO TO CLASS ALL SEMESTER!!!
Come on, guys...if you've been going to class, actually listened to lectures, did your papers, and read/did your assignments, you really shouldn't need to do all that much studying. Just brush up on it.
You can also get PowerPoints for most books online and take pre-tests for many textbooks online if you really want to check yourself.
I've found, though, that in most good professors' classes, the information on exams is primarily obtained by going to class regularly and not by cramming.</p>
<p>Cramming>>>all other methods of studying. IMO</p>
<p>Meh...I'm on the quarter system and just started my new classes yesterday. </p>
<p>So yeah...we just have midterms before break...which starts on the 21st.</p>
<p>The only class that I have a cumulative final for is Biology. Other professors are just having the test over our latest material be the final =P Which is completely fine with me!</p>
<p>All of my finals are "technically" comprehensive, but most of them, the professors have said, "50% plus of the material is just going to be stuff since the last test," which is completely okay with me!</p>
<p>I like to make study sheets now. I basically summarize every chapter into key concepts and ideas and I study from that instead. As I'm making my study sheets, I will read something and go, "hey, what's that?" I start reading again on those topics and I start remembering things from before.</p>