Finals on same day?

<p>There's a class I really want to enroll in, however its final is on the same day as my Math 31B final and ends 30 minutes prior to it. Is it manageable to have two finals in one day or should I just take this class during Spring?</p>

<p>i’ve got 2 finals at the same time this quarter</p>

<p>imo i’d rather have 2 finals on one day than have to delay a class and have the possibility of not getting into it the next quarter due to it being full, then delaying other classes that need it as a prereq</p>

<p>Two finals in a day is managable and pretty much everyone does it at some point. three on the other hand, i’d consider taking another class.</p>

<p>It depends if you are a 10th week/last minute crammer for your exams. If you aren’t, then you can handle up to 3 lower division finals. You’ll be a little tired at the end, but usally that means you’re done all in one shot.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, I decided to go ahead and sign up for the class.</p>