<p>Has anyone ever had two finals scheduled at the same time? If so, what did you do?</p>
<p>I just asked because it's something I had never thought about until just now I realized that two of my finals are technically scheduled for the same day and same time period. Luckily we're not actually taking an actual final in one, it's just a time when a project is due via email and the other is an actual final test. </p>
<p>OH i had that happen once… it was for two art/animation classes though, me and this girl just ran back and forth to one screening/art showing. NEither of the professors budged (and they couldn’t because it was a presentation with lots of people) but they let us leave and come back etc. Just talk to your professor.</p>
<p>You need to make note of this, typically, ASAP and inform the professors to allow you to reschedule one of them. It didn’t happen to me this time but my professors harped about it when they handed out the syllabus.</p>
<p>If you sign up for two classes with the same final here and the professors don’t let you change, you’re SOL. I don’t know that many professors would be willing to budge even, since you’re really not supposed to sign up for conflicting finals.</p>
<p>Of course, they’re almost certain to ask “did you talk to the professors?” before they did anything. </p>
<p>I’ve never heard of 2 finals conflicting (a testament to either my ignorance or the abilities of USC scheduling) but I have heard of the “3 finals in one day”. Even though they could have opted to reschedule one, that person just went ahead with all 3 at the normal time.</p>
<p>What!? What kind of school do you guys go to that won’t do something when two finals overlap? Our university departments schedule finals and book rooms and such. It happens over 1.5 weeks and each course gets an ‘official’ time to schedule their final. If they want to take it on some other date but it conflicts with another classes’ official final, it’s up to the professor to provide a conflict.</p>
<p>I don’t get how you could have two finals at once? I guess at large universities maybe it’s possible, but I know at mine there will be a block for certain times. For example, 9:05 classes and 9:35 MWF classes will have a block for exams, and of course that wouldn’t conflict because you can’t be in both a 9:05 and 9:35 class. </p>
<p>I have had up to 3 exams in one day, though. It’s not so bad because they didn’t really take long to do, and I actually had a LOT of downtown between that and the breaks between exams.</p>
<p>^How is it the student’s fault? They don’t choose the finals schedule, and sometimes there’s classes you have to take a certain semester, and if two overlap, well, it happens. I’m not going to postpone graduating because two of my finals overlap. And it certainly isn’t their fault because of the major they chose.</p>
<p>It’s really no one’s fault. It happens, and most professors and schools are accommodating. I don’t know about other school’s, but at mine if you have 3 scheduled in a 24 hour time period, you can get one moved as well.</p>
<p>I had no idea when any of my finals overlapped until I got the syllabus after I’d already registered for the course and most of the other courses were full. If you are supposed to be responsible for not taking classes with conflicting exams (the dates of which can change at the discretion of the professor ANYWAY), seems to me exams would have to be set in stone and posted in the course guide. At least at my school, neither of those are true.</p>
<p>I had conflicting finals my first semester. Most finals at my school are scheduled according to when the classes meet, so unless you’re taking two classes that meet at the same time (which isn’t allowed, obviously), you’re not going to have conflicting finals. However, some large intro classes and classes with departmental finals get their own times. Since there are multiple sections of each of those classes, it’s impossible to schedule the final according to when just one section meets. Freshman year, I had a conflict between a required freshman seminar and my calc II final. Since the required seminar had a department-wide final that needed to be administered to ~500 people at one time, I couldn’t move that, so I just took my calc II final in the finals slot right beforehand. A bunch of people in my calc class actually had the same conflict.</p>
<p>I also ended up moving my French final because it was scheduled on the same day as the two finals mentioned above, and we’re allowed to move an exam if we have 3 exams scheduled on the same day.</p>
<p>And the thing is, we don’t know the finals schedule before signing up for classes, so sometimes it’s impossible to avoid conflicts.</p>