<p>I have finals tomorow and tuesday, and then I am done with my first semester of college. Here is the thing, I didn't make any friends, haven't gone to do anything. Now lets take the obvious suggestions out of the way shall we.</p>
<li>Join a club/activity. Guess what, since the last topic I made on here, I went and looked at all the activities that my commcoll has, none of them intrested me, and it seems silly to put up with something that doesn't intrest you in hopes of making friends, for they will want to talk about the activity where as you dislike/hate it. Do you really like talking about something you hate to someone who loves what you hate? I don't think so. I used to play the cello, but only because I was good at it and it was an easy A. And I am taking the graphic design course so joining the "Art Club" would be overkill.(And if I know one thing about art its that if you have to much you start to dislike it)</li>
<p>2.Dorm mate. I am going to a community college thats about 5 miles from my house. I am still at home. There are apartments across for the CC but they are horridly expensive. I mean, hell, say that I would of been able to be accepted to a university. Its bad enough they overcharge you for the education, but room and board on top of that. Hell no, and I am not going to do it at a CC. On top of that, the apartments are not owned by the college, but separate so scholarships to not cover.</p>
<p>With that out of the way, what can I do to make friends this next semester. I tried talking to people and being friendly and helpful w/o being overbearing and the same thing happened to me that happened in HS, everyone became friends with everyone else, but not me. Doesn't help that I am the token black guy, but then again that really shouldn 't matter.</p>
<p>Being in the Graphic Design\Advertisment\Commercial Arts career is about being able to network with other people, get connection so that you can get a job. This is why so many people who are artist fail to get a job in GD. Its not because their art sucks it because for every 2 normal shy, quiet, art kid there is one art kid that can socialize. I don't want to spend two years of my life at a CC to just end up not being able to get a job because I am not socialable enough, and on top of that I don't want to spend un-fun years at a college.</p>
<p>So, what can I do?</p>