Finance or Financial Accounting

<p>If I want to try for finance internships (ibanking/S+T/etc) would it be better to take AEM 3240 - Finance or AEM - Financial Accounting??</p>

<p>Also, what Accounting concepts should I know to prepare for AEM 3240?</p>

<p>Financial Accounting is a prereq for Finance. You need to take both.</p>

<p>Both are just as important to finance as well as the whole business world.</p>

<p>I plan on taking both. However, I am not an AEM major and it will be difficult to get into Finance in the Spring since there are less seats. Also, Financial Accounting is closed. Finance is open. </p>

<p>Considering OCI is in the Fall, what is the most important course to have on the resume and which is more useful for answering interview questions? I will end up taking both by next summer.</p>

<p>You need to have taken Financial Accounting to get into Finance. I guess for on-campus interviews, it would be good to have AEM / Hotel classes. Also, MATH & COMM maybe…</p>

<p>I’ve successfully signed up for Finance though without having taken Financial Accounting. Will the professor kick me out or something? </p>

<p>If I can get away with taking the course, what Accounting concepts should I drill before I take Finance?</p>

<p>If it fills up then yes, Curtis will kick students from the class to make room for AEM majors/minors.</p>

<p>be familiar with how to fill out balance sheet / income statement / SSE / cash flows etc.
Understand what various types of transactions will do, and which accounts they affect (credits/debits/etc)</p>

<p>off the top of my head, some of the topics that were covered…

<p>im sure there are more ive forgotten. but im also sure that he’s going to review most or all.</p>