Financial aid appeals?

<p>So I just got in CAL and I'm OOS. Although I got a 13k scholarship, the rest of my financial letter is a cocktail of loans that amounts to 30k! My family efc is 4800, so its pretty obvious that 30k is well beyond our reach. I realize that this year CAL really wanted the extra money from OOS, but would it be worth a try to appeal to CAL by showing them a significantly much better offer from another good school? I guess the content of the appeal would be that I really want to go to CAL, but because of financial difficulties, I would have to go elsewhere with better aid. Is this worth a shot?</p>

<p>Yes, you can. My friend did the same exact thing with UCLA. Be as polite as possible because you do not want to come off as arrogant or demanding.</p>

<p>I gave up on applying for scholarships because my first semester they took away my work study before my loans.</p>

<p>do you think an offer from cornell would be matched, or would it be looked at differently because it’s a private school?</p>

<p>shalala<em>lala</em>la, i tried the matching thing with my UMD full ride, and well…
didn’t work out do well.
they only adjust the offer if you have documented proof that things have changed since your FAFSA.</p>

<p>boo for us =[</p>

<p>ew. i thought they might consider the cornell thing since its not based on merit, but its highly unlikely =[</p>

<p>I doubt they’ll price-match, especially for an OOS student. OOS students are expected to foot the entire OOS fee (the ~$15k one that is added to in-state fees) without any financial assistance except what your parents take out by PLUS loan.</p>

<p>Simple fact is that OOS students <em>are</em> the UC cash cow. They have no incentive to get more OOS students to attend if those OOS students cannot pay: the mission statement is to educate California students.</p>

<p>undecided, I couldn’t have said it any better!</p>

<p>The UC system hates OOSers and internationals, period.
Extra fees combined with little-to-no financial aid really makes our situation suck. =/</p>

<p>OH! and cornell probably uses the CSS profile, something the UC system doesn’t do. That might be why you they gave you so much money.</p>

<p>also, cornell is endowed.</p>

<p>berkeley is more true to its purpose: “Teach California students” than most state schools nowadays…even UVA gave me money.
I wouldn’t mind it if they weren’t so darn good. =]</p>