Financial aid application - does it hurt acceptance chances?

<p>Our income is high enough that we probably won't get too much aid (but not so high that paying full freight will be easy) will it hurt your chances at acceptance to apply for financial aid? I see so many conflicting answers and I want to maximize chances at the reach schools but obviously any aid would be helpful as well.
Thanks for any guidance. </p>

<p>It depends on the school. Maybe that’s why you’re seeing conflicting answers.</p>

<p>Any idea on Columbia? </p>



<p>As in Columbia University?</p>

<p><a href=“How Aid Works | Columbia Financial Aid and Educational Financing”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>From the above link:

Are you US Citizen / LPR?</p>

<p>Yes a citizen. What is LPR? And thanks for the response! </p>

<p>US Permanent resident</p>