Financial Aid Arrived

<p>Anyone else receive?</p>


<p>Hey gtelvis!</p>

<p>No surprise at all. The heaviest loan debt so far, between Case, RIT, and RH.</p>

<p>I got a 10K merit scholar, a 9K institutional grant, Pell, Seog, Perkins, Stafford and an 18,000 plus loan.</p>

<p>I knew in advance they wouldn’t have a great aid package because I know several people who applied last year and got horrible aid packages.</p>

<p>How about you?</p>

<p>Below both RIT and Case as well.
About $19.6k in grants (merit scholar and need).
Appealing seems to be the norm with Rose if you truly intend to go there.</p>

<p>If you want to appeal, they have a “Special Circumstances” form on their website. It’s for alerting them to any situation that might make you worthy of more money, such as a recent job loss, lots of medical bills, etc.</p>

<p>Good luck, its worth a try.</p>

<p>I just may end up at a state honors program. Its not the end of the world.</p>

<p>I’ve mentioned this before, but if you really want to go to Rose and aren’t satisfied with the aid you received, you can call the financial aid office and talk to them. They may be able to help and it certainly can’t hurt to give them a call.</p>

<p>I received 12k in merit, nothing else. Kind of bummed, but I doubt calling in can make a substantial difference. To be honest I was expecting a bit more with a 4.0 uw and a 33 act, being a 3 sport varsity athlete and all around just good extra curriculars. Is this fairly normal? I don’t really have anything to compare it to.</p>

<p>I got 17k in merit, but other than that the finanical aid was terrible. Even with my parents paying the full EFC I would still graduate with over 20,000 in loans. And like Lonesin my academics and test scores are well above average for Rose-Hulman and I’m female. You would think they would try harder to get me to go there. I definitely would have considered the college had they been more generous. Oh well, I won’t be attending.</p>

<p>I got 20 grand in merit, which I’m kinda surprised by, considering I am in no way a top applicant for a school of this caliber. I think I’m going to apply for some outside scholarships so maybe I can actually afford the school, but it is beginning to feel much more feasible to go there. I have always loved the school, but it never really seemed possible to go.</p>

<p>Does anyone know there are more scholarships/grants available after your freshman year??? Do you have to maintain a certain GPA to keep your scholarships? Any RHIT grads who can speak to the worth of having to get student loans to pay for RHIT?</p>

<p>Would users who have recieved their merit based aid mind giving a brief summary of their academic resume. Class rank, gpa, sat or act scores, etc. I’d just like to get a better idea of what I really deserve. Please dont confuse merit and need based aid though.</p>

<p>Here are my Stats (recieved 17k merit):
2140 SAT
3.86 GPA
Class rank is about 10% unweighted
by the end of senior year I will have taken 10 AP’s
I’m also female and live on the west coast.</p>

<p>not as strong as kate10662, but I hope this gives you an idea about who can get money. </p>

<p>20,000 merit aid</p>

<p>32 ACT, (36 math)
3.8 gpa unweighted
FIRST Robotics Team Captain (multiple regional championships, other awards, etc.)
Mentored middle-schoolers in robotics since my Junior year
6 APs over two years (really only took math and science ones except for psychology)
Lots of Music Awards/leadership
Female from Michigan</p>

<p>My family does not qualify for need based, the rest was all loans. I did get the work study though which I think everyone gets.</p>

<p>Just received the aid package today - we’re happy.</p>

<p>I’m curious if everyone who thought they would get a package has received one. Is anyone else still waiting?</p>

<p>The average 2008-2009 financial aid package for Rose was $31,562 and $20,042 in the form of a need-based grant or scholarship. The average cumulative undergrad indebtedness is $36,818.</p>

<p>There’s a lot more of these statistics on their Common Data Set:
<a href=“[/url]”>404 | Rose-Hulman;

<p>6.5k rhit grant
13k merit scholar</p>

<p>33 ACT, 200+ hours comm service, ~2200 SAT, 4.1W/~3.5UW</p>

<p>~22k in loans per year, no go :(</p>

<p>Dorkdorkdork ~ When did your package arrive?</p>

<p>The average student comes out $36,818 in debt? That’s insane. Especially considering Rose-Hulman isn’t well known outside the midwest. And if they continue giving poor financial aid they’re never going to attract excellent enough students to gain more national prestige.</p>

<p>Dorkdorkdork, are you saying you have an EFC of 0?</p>

<p>My son still has not received any letter, so I guess he is not getting any package. His GPA and SAT scores are higher than any reported in this thread or the acceptance thread. So there is feeling of being slighted. At one time he was interested in the idea in a small engineering school with hands on approach. However he would also be happy in large national research universities. He has already been accepted by a few good ones. Starting tomorrow for the next few days, he would be hearing from schools who are top in his major. He should have a 50% chance of getting into one of them. So now Rose-Hulman is out of the picture.</p>

<p>My EFC by FAFSA standards (not private school standards - there’s a diff I think) was ~3700.</p>