Financial Aid at Columbia?

<p>Hey guys
I heard columbia had enhanced its financial aid policy. As an international student, i am not sure my chance for admission will be affected or not. because in the admission packet,</p>

<p>Columbia has funding for foreign students
applying either as first-years or transfers, but
candidates for this funding should be aware that
their applications are read in a more selective
process than are other candidates’. If you are a
foreign student admitted to Columbia with
financial aid, you will continue to receive aid for
each year that you demonstrate need; if you are
a foreign student admitted without aid, then you
are not eligible to receive need-based financial aid
for the duration of your undergraduate studies at

<p>I am not sure, columbia grants need-based financial aid, "but their applications are read in a more selective process than are other candidates’ "
Does this mean that my admission will be affected by financial status?</p>

<p>Columbia is not need blind to international students, so your ability to pay will be a factor in the admissions decision. Yes, your admission will be affected by your financial status especially if you need a lot of $$ from the school. </p>

<p>You should still apply because if you don't apply you have a 0 % chance of being accepted.</p>