financial aid at hampshire

<p>Hampshire looks great... but how wealthy are the kids that usually go there...</p>

<p>my EFC says my parentscan contribute bt 3000-4000 dollars, but they said they may be able to give me 5000. Does anyone know how much I could expect to be in debt if I went to Hampshire?</p>

<p>If it means anything (like for scholarships, etc.) I'm the editor-in-chief of my HS newspaper and literary magazine, pres. of student council, VP of junior class, active in community theatre and other community service. Do you think that has any impact on grants, scholarships, etc?</p>

<p>hi , i just saw your post on ithaca,a nd want to let you know that hampshire is great and my son applieda nd got a good schoalrship here, but it is very expensive, but you may have a much better shot at some good money here as opposed to ithaca and they are very personable at hampshire, so i would start a dialog with them and let them know you are interested and chance are you may get some good fin. aid here. it is a great school --whre are you from? it is very very expensive to go to hamshire but again give it a shot. good luck.</p>

<p>by the way, your stats look really good for hampshire as they really look at EC's and writing ability. you should send in a portfolio of your writing as a supplement to your application. good writing is really considered in their very creative application. you should also try to visit and see if you like the atmosphere there. we loved it, but it is rural and small, so see if it is for you. my son had very similar EC's as you have and he got in to very good schools by empahsizing his writing talents and drama on his applications.</p>

<p>wow thanks a lot...</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm pretty confident that I can get in.. but I am worried about paying for it. I need to visit as well, like you said; hopefully I can fly up north this summer. I will have some money because I just got offered a job teaching at my local theatre... but I kind of wanted to open up a college account with that so, who knows...</p>


<p>You sound like you have a shot at a good aid package. How much do your parents make? You don't have to post the answer, but for comparison, mine make less than the tuition, and Hampshire gave me $36,000 this year.</p>

<p>well combined before taxes they make around 60K I think. My dad's a teacher and my mom's a secretary... but they have another kid to take care of and are in a lot of debt... if that matters at all</p>

<p>My friend is hardly poor (like middle class) and he got a $12,000 scholarship. If they find you interesting, they will find a way for you to go. So show that you're interested, visit, do an interview, write a good and personal essay... and I think you'll be fine.</p>

<p>What if you have an EFC of 0, and you’re a transfer student?</p>

<p>I think the OP and several of the posters are confusing apples and ornages. “Scholarships” are a from of merit aid that is awarded to applicant with particularly strong academic profiles regardless of financial need. “Grants” are a form of tuition remission offered to students who have demonstrated financial need (based on the individual college’s institutional formula - - NOT necessarily the FAFSA). Your ECs will likely come into play for admission and possibly for merit awards, but they are not a factor in awarding need-based financial aid.</p>

<p>FWIW, Hampshire is a relatively new school and has a much smaller endowment than many other LACs - - and there is a definite correlation b/w size of endowment and the availability of need-based financial aid. OP, you may want to check Hamp’s common data set regarding the size of Hamp’s finaid grants.</p>

<p>Hampshire allocated an additional million dollars this year, toward need-based aid. As we all know, most families don’t have as much as they did just a year ago. </p>

<p>Our FAFSA sez that we can pay $50K per year, so our son received no grant from Hampshire. Fortunately, he got a $10K scholarship, but that still left us paying a lot. Our daughter is going to Hampshire next year, so we now qualify for financial aid. She only got a $3K scholarship, but also received a $12K grant. We still don’t know yet how much of a grant our son will get (in his last year). </p>

<p>Hampshire appears to be fairly generous with aid, considering its lack of endowment. Still, it looks like we will be paying significantly more than our FAFSA says we can.</p>

<p>OCCTransfer. I am in the same shoes you were, I have an EFC of 0 and a transfer. Did you get into Hampshire? How much money did they give you></p>

<p>Is anyone here applying as a transfer student this year at Hampshire?
Does anyone’s ‘thehub’ account have requested documents like, “DI Entrance Counseling” and “DI Pomissary Note” as well as W-4s, I-9s requested by the financial aid office? </p>

<p>I’m so confused, these things showed up a week ago or so.</p>