Financial Aid at Tufts?

<p>I've been looking around the boards and can't seem to find a lot of current information on Tufts' financial aide packages... And the one I did find was from 05' :x.
What can a minority first generation immigrant student with a family income of aprx 30k a year expect to get at Tufts?

<p>Just guessing based on research I was doing a year ago on financial aid at a few colleges, including Tufts, is that the aid won't be terrible, but won't be amazing. At the information session I attended there last fall they said they "try" to cap student loans at $4500/yr. Which isn't so bad relative to most schools in America, but still leaves you with almost $20K in debt at the end of 4 years. Plus, I wasn't confident with the "try" in that statement. I wished they'd been more explicit about aid, but I suppose there are internal reasons why they are not doing so.</p>

<p>I don't think $20K is an unreasonable debt, just to be clear. But it's just important to understand going in what you're looking at. And of course the debt isn't all you'll pay; there's the parent and student expected contributions each year as well as work-study.</p>

<p>Quite a few schools have really improved their financial aid in the last year, though, and perhaps Tufts has too.</p>

<p>Are you a citizen or a permanent resident?</p>

<p>If you are not, then Tufts is not need blind to international students so your ability to pay will be a factor in admissions.</p>

<p>Tufts does meet 100% of need. In our case, 2 years ago my D was offered a package that met our need, but with quite a bit in loans ($6500, I think). However, we are not low income. They may put more gift aid (grants) in packages for low income students. The best thing to do is call the financial aid office & ask.</p>

<p>Thank you for the answers!
And yes, I'm a citizen (since 05')</p>

<p>Tufts isn't need blind for anyone! It is need-aware aka need-sensitive. They do meet full need-- but when I spoke to a financial aid counselor last year they said they might meet the need of high-need students with institutional loans in addition to federal loans. </p>

<p>I have looked at applicants from my school and have consistently found that low-income students rarely get accepted from my school even though they are accepted at higher-ranking schools. It is easier to predict if high-income kids will get accepted. So my advice is to apply, don't get your hopes up, and don't apply ED if you need $ from Tufts.</p>

<p>I agree. Our loans included institutional loans in addition to federal. I think there <em>may</em> have been Perkins in there, too. It added up to more loans than we were comfortable taking out ... but the need was 100% met. That is why folks on CC warn students to make sure they have at least a couple viable alternatives (financial safeties) - you never know what is going to show up in your aid package when you receive your acceptance. Sometimes it's great news, other times not so great.</p>

<p>Let's say My EFC is at 0, does this mean that Tufts will give me grants and loans to cover the whole cost? And does anyone know what % of the financial aid package is Loans? And let's say I win a scholarship for say, 5000 USD, do they subtract that amount from my fin aid package? If they do, is it taken out of the loans they offer or the grants they give?
Any insight is appreciated-- thanks.</p>

And let's say I win a scholarship for say, 5000 USD, do they subtract that amount from my fin aid package?


<p>The school will probably reduce your self help aid first (work study and student loans). If your 5k absorbs all of this then they will reduce their grant aid.</p>

<p>Awesome, thanks.</p>

<p>Question that still needs answer: "And does anyone know what % of the financial aid package is Loans?" (Especially for really low EFC families -- clsoe to 0)
reallllllly important</p>

<p>It's really hard to answer that question. In searching through Tufts' reports, I see that 1/3 of the aid awarded is in the form of long term loans. However, it's impossible to know how that breaks down by income group. The figures could be skewed by a large number of moderately needy students being awarded loans only. The only way to know would be to ask admissions or financial aid about the average package for a student with a 0 EFC.</p>

<p>So I am applying, hopefully, to Tufts ED, and I was wondering about financial aid. Does it remain constant over the four years?</p>

<p>I know that my experience with Tufts is old, but I remember that my D's package from Tufts was very generous that did not contain allof these loans that everyone is talking about. it contained 1 loan, which was less than the stafford loan limits.</p>

<p>at the info session last summer, the Tufts rep reported that graduates usually leave with $17k in debt, "which is less than many other colleges."</p>

<p>Anyone know how long does it usually take to get a financial aid package offer?
I"m kind of panicking right now because I have to come up with the deposit in two weeks and I don’t know what kind of aid i can/will get…</p>

<p>Call Tufts. Alternately, use the Tufts thread where an Adcom is very responsive.</p>