Financial Aid Consistent?

<p>I've been admitted and am torn between Lehigh and Rutgers.</p>

<p>The main factor right now is the cost, because without aid I will not be able to afford it. However, if the aid stays the same then it's a go.</p>

<p>So, will my financial aid remain about the same?
Any input is appreciated.</p>

<p>And any input on Lehigh vs Rutgers is welcomed. Thanks CC!</p>

<p>Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>please help ahh</p>

<p>Please clarify what you are asking. Consistent between what? Year to year? or school to school?</p>

<p>FA is reviewed annually in light of your family’s income and assets. As they change, so may your aid package.</p>

<p>You should have gotten your FA packages from both schools by now. </p>

<p>A private university will rarely be as inexpensive as an in-state public university; however, Lehigh has been known to give merit aid on top of need-based aid for those students at the tippy-top of its applicant pool.</p>


<p>yes i do ask consistent on a year to year basis</p>

<p>and what do you guys think,</p>

<p>Lehigh or Rutgers? I know that the school sizes and city sizes are different, and I feel like I’d be comfortable in both, but is there anything different between these two schools that would push me over the edge… I’m really struggling to decide</p>

<p>king, again, were your FA amounts such that the cost to you and your family is about the same?</p>

<p>no, rutgers is cheaper because it is in state, it is about half the price of Lehigh, which gave me 20K FA</p>

<p>My opinion is that you’d have a much more positive undergraduate experience at Lehigh than at Rutgers. That said, finances are important to consider. You’ll still get a fine education at Rutgers.</p>

<p>Yeah, FA changes on a yearly basis, but shouldn’t change dramatically unless something happens like a parent losing/getting a job, a sibling entering/leaving college as well, etc.
I like to tell people not to worry about money, and go with what they feel is best for them. Anything more than a couple thousand dollars difference can make a decision tough though. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thank you, I’m just about to send my deposit into Lehigh !</p>

<p>Our experience has been that Lehigh is consistent in aid. They have pretty much followed our EFC.</p>

<p>Good luck! I am sure you will LOVE Lehigh!</p>