Financial Aid Document Questions

<p>This is somewhat of a general question regarding financial aid but definitely applicable to BC. I got accepted EA and submitted my CSS and FAFSA weeks ago. I am aware that many of my schools, including BC, require W-2s and tax returns from my parents. However, online it gives no specific dates for these. </p>

<p>Will they still offer me a financial aid package based on my CSS and FAFSA, only requiring these documents (W-2s and tax returns) to verify the info I provided/do they only really need to see these documents in order for me to accept my financial aid package? Or are these documents required before they’ll do anything? My dad lives in London so this whole financial aid process is getting incredibly tedious. I think applying for admissions and financial aid truly is a mental test to see if you can handle college.</p>

<p>Every college is different. Best is to call them and ask if they will give you a preliminary finaid award based on '07 numbers.</p>



<p>He who has the money makes da rules. :D</p>

<p>Yeah what’s further complicating things is that I applied to ten schools and am still considering 5-8 of them so it’s not as easy as just calling one or two. I know every school’s different, the ones I’m concerned with are ND Gtown BC Mich Illinois Vandy UCLA and USC. I know ND and Gtown do IDOC and they want that by March 2, but for the others I am unsure when the backup documents are due.</p>

<p>they actually do have a specific date for the forms and such</p>

<p>[Costs</a> & Financial Aid - Boston College](<a href=“]Costs”></p>

<p>and i think they do need these forms in order for you to receive FA so i would send them in asap. </p>

<p>i just realized that my papers were due on feb. 1! =/</p>

<p>[Costs</a> & Financial Aid - Boston College](<a href=“]Costs”></p>

<p>sorry, this is the right link for FA Early Action Deadlines</p>

<p>If you want free money, you need to look up EVERY college. Don’t ask strangers to do your work for you. But, I will give you a hint: do NOT miss the UC deadline of March 2 for fafsa. UCLA does not use Profile.</p>

<p>JR526, I agree about the financial aid process being a mental test of your preparedness for college…it was the worst experience of my life haha</p>

<p>At least you were accepted though…I was deferred EA so I may not even get in, and then all this extra stress would have been for nothing!</p>

<p>So looking now, I think I already missed the deadline for sending in my parents W-2s? I sent in FAFSA and CSS on time though. I guess I’ll just send it now anyway.</p>

<p>Question though–my dad lives in London and doesn’t pay US income tax but BC requires his US Tax forms? What do you do for people that don’t have any tax forms to send? Just not send one, and they’ll infer it from his other info that he doesn’t do US taxes, or is there some form to fill out?</p>

<p>I don’t know about BC but look at all their forms, there is one form that specifically relates to someone who is not required to file taxes. I know that I sent all my forms in and I think it was Emerson that came back and said I was missing that one form since I dont file taxes. Go to the BC financial aid site and it will list all the forms available to download.</p>

<p>good question…i didn’t send in my own tax return because i don’t have to file one…so i was just going to ignore it and hope they realize that i don’t file one (i remember there being a question that asks about it on the FAFSA/PROFILE)</p>

<p>should i call and ask…?</p>

<p>There is a form that you can fill out if you are not required to fill out a tax return. Most schools want that form- they don’t want to just “figure out” what is true or not true for each student. It’s a very mechanical process- boxes to be checked, etc. Play by the rules or you might really miss out.</p>

<p>^^It’s called a ‘Non-Filer’ form, and the feds also require it.</p>

<p>ah i didn’t know i had to fill that form out…if i send it now will i be penalized?</p>

<p>nope, just mail it in.</p>

<p>I called the Office of Student Services today and they said the Non-Filer form is really meant for parents who do not file tax returns, and that it isn’t really necessary for the students because the university assumes that most applicants do not file their own tax returns. So he said I didn’t need to worry about sending it in.</p>