Financial Aid letters --> acceptance?

<p>I've received a couple of letters from my ED school confirming that I don't want FA, etc. that some applicants have not received (some of the people applying for FA received them, some didn't).</p>

<p>Do these letters suggest acceptance?</p>

<p>Hm. It could simply be a confirmation… Or not? You’ll find out soon enough.</p>

<p>My friend’s brother was notified that he would receive almost comprehensive financial aid…before he got his acceptance letter. Way to ruin it, Syracuse.</p>

<p>haha…nice. It would be nice to know early, but at the same time, it would suck to know before you get the letter.</p>

<p>We were having this discussion on the Barnard board, it probably means nothing.</p>

<p>It would be rude if it didn’t mean acceptance, so let me be the first to congratulate you.
It does strike me as odd, in that the school wants to make sure you don’t need any aid, before they make an offer. They must be very worried about their acceptance rate. This is a prime example of a school which is need-aware.</p>

<p>The classic answer is it depends, especially on the school. At schools that are need blind, admissions and FA are in 2 separate places so FA has no idea what admissions is doing until they get a list of students to create a FA package for. However, FA has an obligation to audit a random # of applications (whether the student is accepted or not) and are required by the federal government to do verifications. </p>

<p>There are also schools where if you don’t file for FA at the time you submit your admissions application, you are not eligible for FA later, especially if there is a change in your financial situation (loss of income). If this is the school’s policy, especially given the state of the economy, I can totally understand why the school to contact a household to be certain, that they have confirmation from the family that they are not applying for aid this year (their back is covered should the student ask for aid at a later date).</p>

<p>I have seen it done both ways; in our house, an acceptance letter soon followed the request for FA. However, I have had plenty of students on my case load where a deny/waitlist/deferral followed the request for information.</p>

<p>You will have a definitive answer shortly. Good luck!!</p>

<p>This is a need blind school, but the letter also said that I can’t change my mind about aid once decisions are released online. I guess we’ll see in a few days…</p>

<p>one of my daughter’s school sent a financial aid letter , followed by the acceptance letter a few days later</p>

<p>O.K., everyone, does this sound like a need-blind school?</p>

<p>well, I got a FA letter from Notre dame after i sent the financial aid profile thing. the letter was telling me how awesome their help is.</p>

<p>I haven’t even turned in an app yet to that school.</p>

<p>What do you mean, Toledo?</p>

<p>And W9oj0o, this is different, this was a letter directed at my specific situation.</p>

<p>So…any more opinions? Five more days and I’m freaking out.</p>