Financial Aid Letters Sent?

<p>Hi Everyone,
I feel as if I should “out” myself…I have been an avid reader and follower of Alabama’s CC board since last summer! My son is graduating this year, and has his school choices narrowed down to Alabama and University of Cincinnati…mechanical engineering major, business minor, interest in co-op with Mercedes-Benz or BMW in Germany (he went last summer on an exhange and LOVED it!) He has earned the UA Scholar award along with the “bonus” from the College of Engineering. Allison has been fabulous to him…we had an official visit last August, my son returned with his classmate for the LSU game (the first one which we won’t discuss!), and he recently returned from an “engineering specific” visit that Allison also arranged. He is thrilled with everything UA has to offer him…except the 9 hour distance from home, girlfriend, etc. Thus, UC is still in the picture. Scholarship money, but not as generous as Alabama most likely. Equally impressive engineering program with co-op. Does anyone know when the final financial aid offers/awards letters are sent? He is making his pro/con lists, and wants to evaluate the financial aspect as well. BTW, you have all been a wonderful source of information! I am pulling for him to choose Alabama, despite the fact that I’m an Ohio State alum! I could say “Roll Tide” as easily as “Go Bucks”! I look forward to talking with all of you!</p>


<p>And please also post in our State Roll Call thread. :)</p>

<p>I don’t know what to tell you about FA awards and when they come out. Hopefully, Sea_Tide will post because I think he knows. </p>

<p>It sounds like your son will get full tuition ($21k) plus $2500 …so about $23,500 per year for merit.</p>

<p>What is your EFC? Do you still have “need” or does the scholarship fill “need”?</p>

<p>(Tell your son it’s a bad idea to choose a school because of a GF or BF).</p>

<p>Our EFC will probably negate any other significant financial aid, which is why the merit scholarship is wonderful!!</p>

<p>Trust me, we have told him to put the girlfriend issue into perspective! His rational mind is leaning him toward UA, heart toward UC. It stinks that his first “true” girlfriend entered the picture during senior year, but he has had the speech that “if it is supposed to work out, it will…”</p>

<p>I will definitely post in the State Roll Call thread, and thanks for the welcome!!</p>

<p>I’m not sure what the COA at Bama is, but I think it’s around $36k (which is padded).</p>

<p>So if you’ve been given $23k for merit and your EFC is greater than about $12/13k, you don’t have any “determined need.”</p>

<p>However, you can still get a $5500 unsub loan.</p>

<p>With free tuition and $2500 per year, if your child chooses a super-suite, then your cost would be about $11k. If your child chooses a standard double, then your cost wouold be about $8k.</p>

<p>What is the cost at UCinn? Is that for a standard double ?</p>

<p>Financial aid letters for incoming freshmen should go out in late March.</p>

<p>As for attending a specific school due to a bf/gf, I know many students at UA who are in successful long distance relationships.</p>