I'm thinking of applying to Grinnell RD. I'm an international student from India. However, I will need about 85-90% aid. I wanted to know if Grinnell tends to give out a lot of aid to international students. Also, do I have a shot considering that I'm applying for aid and Grinnell isn't need-blind. Lastly, should I apply for financial aid or a merit scholarship?</p>
<p>Country of Citizenship: India
SAT I: CR 660; WR 800; Math 800 = 1460, 2260 (2 sittings)
SAT II: Chemistry 800; Math Level II: 800
IB: 38/42, 38/42, 41/42 (predicted), I will be getting one more score in a few months
ECs: Strong in terms of teaching computers, district level chess, public speaking, a lot of community service, martial arts</p>
<p>Thanks SO much!!</p>
<p>They do give better FA to international students than do many other schools, but no one here can tell you what they’d give you. You will need to send in your financial info. That will be your application for need-based aid. The rest of your application (scores, GPA, essay, recommendations, ECs) will automatically put you in the pool for merit aid. I truly don’t know how many, if any, students get 85-90% aid at Grinnell. If you absolutely need that to attend, I think you can straight out ask the financial aid office if that’s a possibility. I think they’d be honest and you have nothing to lose by asking.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>Any more advice would really be helpful…</p>
<p>I think that they are very generous with money, from what I have heard. I do not know a lot about internationals, but I do know that Grinnell is 15% international and they consider them important to the school. Email a ADcom from Grinnell and ask for information on need based aid for internationals.</p>
<p>Hey hellogoodbye, even I’m applying to Grinnell :)</p>
<p>I don’t think they consider SAT II scores though.</p>
<p>They certainly will look at the SAT II scores!</p>
<p>That’s great! I didn’t know that because I couldn’t see that mentioned on the site earlier.</p>
<p>I don’t remember if they require them, but you can bet that any good score will look good as part of your total record. My son sent all his scores, even from AP tests. Lots of people on CC said there was no need to do this, but I personally called all 10 admissions offices and several of them said they were very interested in AP score reports. Because my son did well on both the SAT and ACT, I advised him to send both.</p>
<p>Thanks, I sent all my SAT scores - 1 and 2. :)</p>